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    "What are your plans for the summer, Bakugo?" Kirishima asked him, while packing his books.

This was their last class before summer break. Aside from homework, most third year students from U.A. were doing summer internships with the hero agency of their choice.

"I'm visiting my grandparents in Yakushima," Bakugo replied in defeat.


Bakugo frowned. He wasn't in the same boat as other third years in U.A. Unfortunately, he's under strict doctor orders to 'not use his quirk unless absolutely necessary'. It pisses him off thinking how much farther ahead everyone will get. Even with the last weeks of classes, he could see the effect of Scar's quirk affecting him. Some part of him is terrified, but most of him is angry.
    I'll fucking kill him, Bakugo thought, remembering that night.


    The village Bakugo's grandparents lived in hadn't really changed much since he last visited. Perhaps there were a couple new establishments, but it was still as small and quiet as he remembers. His doctor, along with his teachers and parents, believed this is the perfect place to send him. Small town, quiet, virtually no crime, just a bunch of trees and older people.

    "Katsuki!" Bakugo's grandma greeted him. "Oh my, you've grown so much since we last saw you." She smiled, pinching Bakugo's cheeks.

    Bakugo forces a smile - this is going to be his four weeks of summer.



    Bakugo is not normally a morning person. However, he couldn't afford to waste this summer either. While he isn't allowed to use his quirk, he is still able to train. After all, there was a point in which Deku managed to subdue him without using any quirks - why wouldn't he be able to do the same.

    "Oh, Katsuki," His grandpa greeted him, while sipping some tea. "You're up quite early. I always thought youngsters enjoyed sleeping in."

    Bakugo glanced at his watch: 5:00 AM, when the fuck did this old fart wake up. "I thought geezers liked sleeping in too." Bakugo commented, walking towards the entrance of the house.

    "Haha, well grandma likes to sleep in but I always enjoyed drinking tea and watching the sun come up." Grandpa laughed, watching Bakugo put on his shoes. "Oh are you heading out?"

    "Yeah, just going for a run."

    "Oh, can you grab a dozen eggs on your way back, Katsuki?"

    Bakugo looked back at his grandpa as he shakily hands him money.


    "Welcome!" The store clerk greeted Bakugo. The grocery store was pretty much empty, aside from a couple of children buying snacks. He was actually surprised to see the amount of young people in the town, or maybe they were in the same boat as him - stuck visiting relatives.

    Eggs, eggs. Bakugo was looking at the many egg cartons in front of him, when suddenly someone bumps into him.

    "I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!"

    Bakugo flinched. Why did this voice sound so familiar? He turned at the figure bowing in front of him. Her hair wasn't done up in it's usual way, and she wasn't wearing her usual uniform.


    "Bakugo?" Yaoyorozu looks up.

    "What the fuck are you doing here?"

    "Well, I'm actually here to visit my grandparents." She said slightly embarrassed. "I know most people are doing their internship, but I promised my grandparent's that I would spend my last summer vacation with them." Yaoyorozu paused. "Speaking of which, why are you here, Bakugo?"

"Doctor's orders," Bakugo replied angrily, while grabbing the eggs.

"Oh," Yaoyorozu looked down, feeling guilty for bringing up the subject. "A-are you staying with someone?"

"Yeah, my grandparents."

Yaoyorozu followed Bakugo towards the register.

"Well, looks like we'll be spending summer together." Yaoyorozu smiled, paying for the milk.

"As if."

They both exit the grocery store, being greeted by the warm summer air. Before Bakugo could take his leave, he felt a tug on his shirt.

"It wouldn't hurt to train together, don't you think?" Yaoyorozu asks shyly. "We're both here with nothing to do."

Bakugo considers her offer. There really is only one answer that made sense.

"Don't think I'll go easy on you."


    The more Bakugo thought about it, the more he realized that he had never fought Yaoyorozu on a one-on-one basis. Her quirk, Creation, while versatile also takes time to create depending on the size and her knowledge of the materials. While she's not physically strong like Deku, she's an extremely good strategist - compared to him who usually just faces everything head on. What's more, he won't be using his quirk.

    "Are you ready?" Bakugo asked impatiently.

"Yes!" Yaoyorozu smiles, her hair in its usual ponytail.

With that, they both rush towards each other, Yaoyorozu armed with a bo staff; Bakugo with his fists. She strikes first swinging the bo staff horizontally, Bakugo crouches to the ground, noticing the opening he quickly jumps towards her, but her reflexes match his speed, she spins halfway and thrusts the staff towards him. Bakugo dodges left, grabs the staff and pulls it towards him, making sure to disarm her. Normally this is where he would use his quirk, but this time he had to be creative. He can't exactly just punch Yaoyorozu in the gut, so he opted to throw her on the ground.

Just as Bakugo grabs her, Yaoyorozu throws a matryoshka on the ground, exploding into a blinding light.

"Hah! You think that's going to stop me?" Bakugo screams. "DIE!" Bakugo grabs her right collar and left sleeve. He hooks his right foot to the back of her left knee and pulls, both falling to the ground.

Bakugo lands on top of Yaoyorozu, his head next to hers. He could feel her laboured breathing on his neck and chest. He quickly pushes off of her, his cheeks becoming warm.

"I should have known the light from the matryoshka wouldn't be enough to hinder you." Yaoyorozu sighs.

"What the fuck do you expect, I make explosions all the time." Bakugo replied, irritated by the warmth in his cheeks.

"That's definitely a miscalculation on my part."

Bakugo watches as Yaoyorozu sits herself up, her normally pale skin now has a tinge of pinkness. Her originally neat ponytail now in disarray. He could see the sweat dripping down her neck. Bakugo wasn't really paying much attention to Yaoyorozu's outfit, until now: a cropped t-shirt and shorts.

"Your face is really red, is the heat getting to you?" She asks, walking towards him with their water bottles.

"Fuck, I think it is."

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