Part2 roll call for team 5

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Day 1 Monday time 7:00 pm location team 5 base
Leon: I believe I brought you all here because will are team 5 now servents state your name and class
Doom Slayer:class berserker name the Doom Slayer
Leon:good enough I guess next
Shay: class assassin name Shay McCormick
Jaune: class saber name jaune arc nice to meet all of you
Heero: class Rider name heero yuy
Hawkeye: name Hawkeye class Archer
Ieon:good enough
Harry Potter: class caster name Harry Potter
Jay: well my friends you guys got the worst servents my lancer is the best say hi my lancer
Ruby walks in
Ruby:yes I did class lancer name Ruby Rose
Leon sighs
Leon: my team is a bunch of idiots

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