Chapter 35

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Dear Stefan,

Thanks for the heads up, I don't know what I would do if I found out after marrying Damon, I hope you can move on from Elena, there are other fish in the sea.

You were going to be the best brother-in-law Stef, but I will always see you as a brother, and a best friend.

Thanks for always sticking with my decision when nobody else would.

Your the best, keep being the same Stefan that everyone loves, caring, compassionate, funny, and romantic.

You'll find that special girl, I know you will, and when you do I expect a wedding invitation, and I'll pray you'll have better luck than I will.

Promise you won't come looking for me, It's time for me to be on my own, okay? So just live your life without me, but NEVER forget me.

Miranda, xx


Dear Bonnie,

Thanks for planning the wedding, with Care, believe it was magical, I just wish it had a better ending, send my best regards to your Mom and Dad.

I Promise I'll never forget you Bon-Bon, your my best friend, and an amazing un-biological sister, a better sister than Elena now that I think of it.

When you get engaged to Jer, text me, I deleted all my contacts but you, Jer's and Ty, Matt, Care, and Stef, that's so I know who's calling, I won't call you, only text, that way I can move on and never remember the painful voice of E or Damon.

Don't come looking for me, promise me that, you're the best Bonnie Bennett. Love you Bon-Bon, have fun with Jer, ;), you have my full permission btw.

P.S. burn this and don't tell a soul, I don't want anyone to know just remember that I have the same number, and this is only to tell me when you and Jer get married.

Miranda xo


Dear Ty,

This may seem highly unexpected but just know I forgive you for killing the guy to get you werewolf curse.

I also wanted to say that you and Care are so adorable together, your are the supernatural Romeo and Juliet, protect her and let her in Ty, she loves you.

I want you not to come looking for me, I need to move on. Just know that I'll never forget you. Promise me the same the you won't look for me and never forget me.

Don't block Elena out because as far as I know, she's sired to him, but don't treat her like she's innocent either, because I know that she's going to end up with him anyway.

You were the best guy friend anybody could have and I hope you can get out of Klaus' grip soon, love you.

Randi xx


Dear Mattie,

Yes I greeted you with a Mattie. Guess what, Stef and I officially have the worst break-ups in Mystic Falls.

But I think mine is probably second worse broken engagement. Don't come looking for me, promise me that.

Your my best friend and I hope you find a special girl for you. Study hard I want you to go to College and hey, it's okay if you don't as long as you do something special for the town, help out and never stop.

I love you.

Ran xx


Dear Caroline,

This is going to be short and to the point. For one, thanks for telling me about the...'incident'. I also want to tell you not to come looking for me, because I'll be away from pain forever and happy. Promise me you won't come looking.

P.S. Good luck with Ty, ;).

Mira xo



I want you to promise me somethings.

-That you will never come looking for me.

-I want you to promise me that you'll never leave Damon's side.

- To make him happy.

-to bring out the best in him.

-To let him bring out the best in you.

-To NEVER let him lose himself.

And if he ever does to bring him back.




I hope you are happy with my sister. Promise me you won't come looking for me and that you'll always protect her, and make sure she is always happy.

No matter what. I am angry with you but I can't leave without making sure you got this.

Bye Damon, I am leaving my siblings lives in your hands, don't let me down again.



Dear Jer,

Betrayal wasn't my biggest fear, abandonment was, and I guess I got the better out of the two.

It's unexpected and may seem selfish but, I want you to know that I love you, with all my heart.

You're probably thinking, 'Why'd she leave me with Elena?'

Truth is Jer, you need her despite what she did to me. I want you two to look after each other, so please, don't be mad at her and try your best to control yourself.

Yes I'm mad at her but, I would never want anything bad to happen to her and you know that, I'll never come back Jer, but I knew leaving them in your room was the best way for you to find them first.

Don't come looking for me, and burn it immediately after you read this.....

Miranda, xxx

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