First Day

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I took a deep breath as I stepped out of my car, the cold autumn air hitting my face. This was my first big project job since becoming a genuine scientist and I needed a good first impression. Especially because I heard that my boss is rather strict... But none the less I'll work my hardest to get on his good side. I looked in the reflection of my car window and brushed my fingers through my blond hair. Files in hand, I walked into the white building. The floors were clean and shiny, and the walls were plain and white. It made me more nervous. I clutched the files as I opened a door with the key card I was sent and walked into an open room. There have been no windows thus far. There were tall, thin compartments sticking out from the wall as I walked to my new boss's office. I knocked on the doors and could hear a groan. The door clicked and I was greeted by a tall person. I was 5'4, so they felt incredibly tall.

"You're early." He said plainly. His tan skin and dark brown hair was different to my dark skin and blond hair. And for being a sanitary lab, he kept their shoulder-length hair free from hair bands.

"A-Ah! Sorry about that! I didn't see I was early!" They took the files from my hands.

"So you're Dr. Xavier then?" He asked. I nodded.

"Right. I'm Dr. Foster, as you should already know. I've been preparing my new project for years now, so you better be ready to start immediately." I nodded quickly.

"Of course! What is the project, sir?" I asked nervously. He picked up papers from their desk and handed them to me. I read through the papers swiftly, taking in all the details I could. It was an amazing concept.

"Making inanimate objects sentient? With some solution?" I asked, afraid I read it wrong.

"Exactly right, I've been working to make it for a while, and I believe everything's finally prepared." They said as I followed him to a room next to his office. There was a large metal table in the center, and what looked like a fridge. He opened the fridge and pulled out a tall tube of a light green liquid. The top and bottom of the glass tube were reinforced with metal.

"Open that drawer over there and pull out the tennis ball." He instructed. I pulled open the drawer next to the fridge and pulled out a plastic bag with a tennis ball inside.

"Wash it." They instructed again. I looked at the ball.

"Wash it?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Did I stutter?" He asked coldly. I shook my head quickly and went to the sink in the back of the lab and began washing the ball. I dried it with a towel and joined Dr. Foster at the metal table.

"Give me the ball." I placed it in their gloved hand and quickly put gloves on as well. He opened clips on the sides of the metal reinforcement, releasing pressure from within. I watched carefully as he placed the clean tennis ball in the liquid, and closed the lid again.

"This should do it for today. We let it set in the fridge and tomorrow it should have taken full effect." Dr. Foster explained calmly, putting the container in the fridge. I stood confused.

"What else should I do?" I asked nervously. They thought for a moment.

"Organize your office, it's next to mine, and make sure you read these files so you know what you'll be doing." They said grabbing more files and handing them to me. I quickly went to the empty office to organize. It had a small desk in the corner and a large shelf on the other side. The shelves had short baskets that I could roll out. It was already filled with many small bags of gross looking clumps. I couldn't tell what they were so I moved to my desk and began to read my files in the chair provided. This was... bigger than I thought. I have to raise all the objects, and teach them, and tend to their needs. And it seems those weird organic clumps on the shelves was their food. It also said they would have a small buzzer in their room.

The Perfect Subjects | A BfB/BfDI fanficWhere stories live. Discover now