Chapter 36

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~So That's It~

Oris had to peek at the room from under her arm when the silence got too long. She wasn't surprised to see her maids bowing their heads and staring at the floor. Only Andrea was fidgeting on the spot she stood.

Oris sighed loudly and sat up again. "You four must think I'm stupid."

All four of them fell to their knees.

"This servant doesn't dare," they said together.

"Andrea, come here," Oris beckoned the youngest maid whose eyes were already glistening with unshed tears.

The girl glanced at Mayree then got to her feet and took a small step forward. It made Oris laugh on the inside. They were all acting like she was their executioner.

"Are you afraid of me?" she asked. "Or have I become ugly overnight and you four are trying not to hurt my feelings?"

Andrea shook her head furiously and rushed to her side.

"You still won't talk?"

The girl glanced at Mayree once again before setting her gaze on her shoes.

"Fine, I won't force you," Oris said, "give me a massage, my shoulders are stiff."

"Mistress, I-"

"You've made up your mind not to talk, stick to your conviction," Oris told her with a lazy smile then returned her attention to Mayree and her gang of silent maids.

"I know that I have no place in the palace, but I hoped I had a place in your hearts," Oris picked up the skirt she had been embroidering and continued from where she stopped.

"I let you serve me because I trust you not to keep secrets from me. Secrets in the palace can get people killed. I don't know how your other mistresses treated you, but I'm sure you can tell that I'm different."

Oris tugged gently on the needle and knotted the thread. She held out her hand and Andrea placed a pair of scissors in it.

"I've emphasized the need for us to be open with each other. I still trust you, but anymore secrets and I will dismiss you," she cut the thread and rolled back her shoulders. "Let's go on that walk. Andrea prepare my veil. The rest of you can stay here and make a decision."

Finally, Oris took her eyes off the cloth and looked at them. It seemed that somewhere during her speech, they had silently gotten to their feet.

She held out her hand for Andrea to support her.

The girl helped her out of the bed and walked her to the dresser. She slicked Oris' braids with oil and tied on her veil.

"Mistress," she said as she wore slippers on Oris' feet, "why did-"

"Let's talk outside," Oris hopped off the chair. "It's too stuffy in here."


Oris had never been out in the palace grounds since she arrived. Hallways and imposing halls had been the only scenery she enjoyed during her stay.

Andrea was about to show her the imperial gardens which she claimed housed the best flowers on this side of the Great Sea. A guard walked some paces behind them as they navigated the windings passages.

"You seem to know the palace well."

"Mistress," Andrea looked up at Oris in shock. "You are no longer upset with me?"

"Was I ever upset?" Oris felt bad now for treating her poor maids so harshly. She squeezed Andrea's hand.

"You four are the only ones who truly care for me in this palace, how could I be upset with you for trying to help me?"

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