~Eve's Message~
When Oris unrolled the scroll, she found that it had still been folded three more times so that the parchment ended up being twice the size of her palm in both length and width.
This was the first act of familiarity.
Bren folds letters like this when he sends them via messenger bird.
Her heart aching with fondness, Oris traced the creases and folds of the letter then looked up at Andrea. "This letter has been with Faeradaigh for days?"
"Yes, Mistress. At least three days," Andrea confirmed. "What does it say?"
The fact that there was no seal to close the letter meant that its contents would bring her no harm even if others were to read it themselves.
She set her eyes on the first line to find the answer to Andrea's question.
Dear Sister, were the words starting the message. The penmanship was definitely Bren's but he hadn't called her sister in a very long time.
She continued reading.
I am writing this letter to ask how you fare in the vast palace I could not confront myself. When you arrived at our convent, I did not think you would be such a kind woman. Oris, I remember when you had been asleep for days and the physician said that we should dig a grave to bury you. Oh, how I wept for the beauty that was to leave the world so soon. How I cried and wished I was the one to bear your fate. But the next day, you awoke, like a miracle.
Over the days we spent together, we grew close and I told you of my plights, my worries, my dreams. I did not know what I was thinking when I said such, for the last thing I expected was for you to replace me. I know that you must be worried for me, as I am worried for you. I have heard many rumors of your sufferings in the palace and rumors of your kindness. I had always known that you were my guardian and angel... for others to know it too brings me such joy I cannot explain.
The convent has moved to avoid gossip and trouble. I wish to start afresh, devote myself to the gods and repent of my sin and this new fief has such wonderful green hills that connected me to Mother Earth. It was here we found your brother. We told him what had happened to you and invited him to sup with us. That was when we realized that the town we had moved to was your hometown! I was so glad to find that I could send letters to you. I will never forget what you did for me and I will never forget the promise we made each other.
I look forward to knowing how you have been living in the palace.
Stay safe, Sister.
Love, Eve.
When Oris reached the end of the letter, a wide smile stretched her lips.
Andrea picked on it immediately. "Is it good news?"
"Very. Very. Good news." Oris laughed, feeling relief flood her body. "It is a letter from home. Come. Read it yourself."
Andrea did, taking the letter and plopping down on a nearby chair.
Oris clapped her hands to her cheeks, feeling her skin burn beneath her palms. That was close. That was really close.
Now, she understood why Hermes hadn't reacted to her confession the way she expected. He had to have read Bren's letter beforehand.
For at least three days, he had to have known that she wasn't who she pretended to be.
Summoning her to court to be rewarded had been nothing but a sham. He knew beforehand that the reason she wore a veil was to hide her identity but he had played along with her just to confront her when they were alone together.

Historical FictionWhat's a queen to do when her bloodline is on the brink of extinction and the world's newest warlord is knocking at her castle's gates? The answer is obvious. She switches herself out with her twin sister and sneaks out into the countryside. As a qu...