Chapter 41

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Dawn arrived like a thief, creeping silently into the morning as the sun peeked out from beneath the still ocean and scattered its first rays across the horizon.

It created a beautiful scene, one that ought to be appreciated. Unfortunately, one could only do so from the highest point of Inae and that spot happed to house the Royal Palace.

"Your Majesty?"

Hermes walked away from his balcony, his back to the distant sea as he glanced at the servant standing by his chamber's doors.

"I remember asking not to be disturbed," he said and took off his gauntlets.

Hermes' personal servant hurried to pick the clothes from the floor as he undressed, following close on the emperor's heels as he walked about the room examining this and that.

"Your mother wishes to see you," the servant added, averting her gaze when he started undoing the lace that held up his trousers.

"And she sent you," Hermes laughed.

"Your Majesty?" she squeaked.

"Throw her out of her and cane her thirty times for breaking an imperial order," Hermes' servant told the guards hidden in the room.

He didn't even spare the girl a glance when she began to beg for mercy, only waiting for the moment she was taken away to turn and face the emperor.

"I apologize for being so straightforward," he said and held up a white dress robe. "You may punish me as you see fit."

Those words made something of a smile appear on Hermes' lips. He held out his arms and allowed the man wear the robe on him.

"How about I let my mother think up a punishment?"

There was a moment of hesitation, then the servant said, "Very well. I will resign myself to it."

"Ah, Mikeal, how could I bear to let anyone but myself hurt you?" Hermes asked as he tied off the robe.

"Your sweet talk will not stop me from landing you on your ass when we spar this evening," Mikeal said.

Hermes turned to the full length mirror by his bed. It was not made of bronze but a glazed glass that reflected every single imperfection on his skin. "You seem to be forgetting something, servant."

"Your Majesty?" Mikeal asked, feigning cluelessness.

"My diadem?" Hermes asked back, running a hand over his oiled braids.

"Oh. This?" Mikeal held up the gold piece by its string. "I thought you might forget it and I'd get to sell it for a pretty penny."

"If you act like this in front of mother, she would know straight away that you are no servant."

Mikeal performed a mock bow, a mischievous smile on his lips. "I know my place, my Liege."

He walked up to Hermes and tied the gold plate tightly against the emperor's forehead.

Hermes turned around, a servant's hat in his hand. "You almost forgot yours."

He placed it on Mikeal's head and dusted the man's shoulders. "Quality servant material, if I've ever seen it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Mikeal put his hands together and bent low. "I will not disappoint your trust in me."

Hermes chuckled and walked to the door. He reached for the handles then paused. "Is it time yet?"

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