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“It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.”
                                         ~Paulo Coelho

The sun rays seep in through my corvette stingray Z51 glass window. I take s turn to the left side of the road heading for Phoenix Modelling Agency. I started working two years ago after my divorce. After the final procedures people started hating me, calling me all sorts of names, everyone I called a friend rejected me. So I had only one place to go back and that was my parents home.

News had already reached them about what had happened to me. As soon as I got there they accepted me back. My twin brothers Kyle and Kai were there, they felt angry when I narrated what happened and swore to make his life a living hell but I stopped them not wanting anything to do with him. I wanted to be alone and they understood that, they wished me goodnight before retiring to bed.

I on the other hand went to the seaside behind the house. I stood at the edge of the sea, watching the tidal waves sway back and forward and wondered where my life went wrong. I only wanted to live a happy life with my first husband and have a family with him but I guess life decided to write my own story for me. I wish I could have done something to change the situation but things happen for a reason and you can't change them, no matter how badly you want it.

I cried my heart out that night, I cried out all the pain,anger,hatred, sorrow and most importantly all the love I once felt. I know its cliché, why cry over a guy who hurt and disgraced you, when I should be thinking about revenge... That's not me.
After that night, I made a vow never to cry for him because he didn't deserve me. I had to work my way to where I am today all thanks to my family. Kai and Kyle got me a gig with their boss and that's where my whole life changed. Now I'm a boss, model and photographer. My name speaks louder than anyone you ever knew.

I finally got to my work place, parked the car at my reserved spot. I crossed check myself before getting out. The butler opened the door for me earning a thank you. My assistant Jenny rushed to my side as soon as she saw me.

"Good morning Miss. Andreas." Jenny greeted with a smile. I entered my office and took my seat whiles Jenny stood there.

"Good morning Jenny. How many times have I told you not to call me Miss. Andreas when we are alone."

"Sorry Kim" she apologised and bent her head down. She's new here for an internship.

"Forget about it. So what do we have planned for today?" I asked.

"Firstly Mr. Smith called something about an interview with celebrity magazine and something about you calling him as soon as you get here. Also Kevin and Kelvin said meet them at the conference room when you're done here" she said scrolling through her pad "oh before i forget Dorothy phoned."

"Thank you, you can leave." I took out my phone and dialled Smith's number. He's the CEO of the agency.

"Mr.Smith, good morning. Yes...OK...12pm..OK...don't worry about anything....I'll be sure to make them comfortable...OK,bye." I ended the call and made my way to the conference room.

Kai and Kyle sat there arguing about super models, precisely Martha Hunt and Elsa Hook. Yep, their dream wife's. Its always funny listening and watching them argue cause in the end the decided on a different model.

I pulled my chair back grabbing their attention before sitting. "Hey, what's so important that you wanted to see me?"

"Hey, Kim." They said in unison. "Its about the new clothing line we'll be exhibiting before new year." Kai spoke first

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