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Blossom made her way through all the floors, hair messy and makeup all ruined.

She ran down to the basement and saw some shadowed figures by the door.

One held a cigarette and the other had a small delicate hand on the other's shoulder. It was an odd position for a couple to be but whatever.

They're people, and these people could have seen Brick, or heard something...

Something about them didn't feel right. The aura they gave off was dark and mysterious. 

Uncalled for.

Blossom traced the freezing cement wall as she took in the hallway leading to the door. The figures remained unmoved, as if... they were waiting for her...

'Hi! Have you seen a guy-' Blossom started to say.

'Actually, yes. We have.' It was a girl's voice, her voice was icy and sent a chill down Blossom's spine.

'Wait but this isn't any guy.' Blossom replied, walking over slowly.

'Yea I know who.' It was the taller figure speaking now, Blossom couldn't see them since the light was coming from beyond the door, she could only see a sparkling glint of the couple's head, their hair. So blonde, almost blinding.

'You do? Oh my god that's great!' Blossom perked up, excitedly.

'Yea, just come with us.' The girl said, the girl grinned, the light bouncing right off her glimmering teeth, like a Cheshire Cat, you could only see her sinister smile, but Blossom had no choice, she had to find him.

'Come with you? Can't you bring him here?' Blossom stopped in her path, calling out to them.
The small girl beckoned Blossom with a single hand. Blossom was confused, was this how this odd pair of people wanted to present themselves? Weird and peculiar?

Blossom took one more step towards them before the boy raised a gun aiming at Blossom.



Blossom looked around to see if she was bleeding at all, but her instincts never failed her, why didn't she duck or avoid it?


Because she felt like she knew them.

She actually felt safe.

Not anymore.

Blossom picked a small tranquilliser dart off her arm.

'Ugh.' She whispered to herself, as her world starting to turn blurry again.

'Not agai-' with a quick turn Blossom was down.

'Oh but Blossy, I think you'll want to see him with us.'


And the boy?

Boomer, of course.

How didn't she figure it out before.

The small blonde rushed to Blossom's side.

'You didn't kill her did you? I said look cool not kill my fucking sister you idiot.' Bubbles cried, slapping Boomer across the forehead.

'Bubs I aimed for her leg, like you told me to. I just kinda missed.'

'Mhm, yea, kinda missed. Deal with her I'm not touching that disgusting dress. Ugh, her taste is still as bad as I remember.' Bubbles took out a clean blue handkerchief and wiped her hands with it whilst Boomer picked up a passed out Blossom in his arm.

I sold my heart (Blossick PPGXRRB)Where stories live. Discover now