Chapter 15

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       "I'm sorry, that doesn't follow dress code." I scolded a young light brown haired girl. She had worn her black cloak on her waist.  Maybe it was a new fashion statement? "Ugh, I can't believe this. Can't you make an exception?" She asked. I gave her a look, "Do you think I just have whiteout on me to erase the rules? Bruh this world don't even have white out. If you take my warning too lightly, I can't fathom the consequences.."

         She sighed before fixing her black cloak. I smiled before walking away. "Yo, Madeleine. How were your new advanced university classes?" August asked walking towards me. "I don't wanna call them easy, but that's just what they are." I sighed. He looked frustrated with me. "Name the every single country in the Sionix continent and their capitals and population right now." He suddenly said. "Amaria, capital Yuaw, 1 Billion, Piou, capital Sori, 80 Million, Yaochal, Capital Easeh, 52 million, Yurko, capital Fluer, 25 million, Tio, capital Ziol, 1 Million, Oran, capital Merdeo, 200,000, Indigou, capital Quoran, 10,000, Eounland, capital Toruń, 1,237." I immediately replied, "that's all of them if you don't count all the islands, which I can list for you if you wish, or if you want exact numbers I can easily list them for you."

           "Kill me." He said looking exhausted. I can't tell him, I spent half an hour memorizing the world.....

     As we arrived home, something seemed off. The carriage neared the castle and the guards stared at it with looks of despisment. What? They don't usually act like this. "Yo, I think something's wrong..." I whispered to August. August looked outside, "you're right. Something's wrong..." he whispered back.

        The carriage stopped infront of the castle. August and I got off. Immediately afterwards, the guards grabbed my arms. Yo yo yo what's going on!? Bruh is this a you just walked a prank? "Madeleine Maria de Florente, you will be coming with us to meet with the king." One of the guards said as they stated dragging me in. What is this!? "Hey! What's going on!?" August yelled following them.

Another guard said, "Prince Augustine, I believe you must come and see this as well." They dragged me inside the throne room, August following in astonishment at how they were treating me. They threw me to the floor on the red carpet below the throne, where father sat with superiority. I widened my eyes. Wh- no.. this-

"Madeleine Maria de Florente. What a disgusting name, for you to have the last name for a royal." My father said in a cold, apathetic way. Why are you talking to me like that. Hey... WHATS GOING ON!? Panic filled my brain. Right next to my father was...... Lidia!? Why is she there? No, she must've done something bu-

All my thoughts washed away as I stared into my father's, once lovingly warm eyes. My brain went empty. My eyes filled with horror. My heart creaked. Why? Why do you stare at me like that? I'm..-I'm Madeleine! I'm Madeleine godammit! Stop staring so cold heartedly like that, I'm your beloved daughter! My hands trembled in silence.

He opened his mouth to speak. "You have disappointed and betrayed me you filth, you dare even look up in my presence?" He said, his voice cold, unwavering. No, no, no...YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME! I'm Madeleine! I'm Madeleine! Your beloved daughter! What are you doing!? My brain felt numb and I heard a ringing in my ears. My eyes feel warm, I can't think properly. I can't see properly. I feel as though I'm losing my mind!

"Human filth of a woman, I should just execute you right here right now. However, my precious daughter hasn't the stomach for such a gruesome death. Therefore, consider this mercy. You are hereby banished from the Florente empire and you have been stripped of your garbage title!" He yelled, furiously, "Guards remove this bug from my sight, and put her in prison until the next carriage arrives to bring her out of the country!"

The guards grabbed my arms roughly and as I was dragged, I heard my father saying, "oh August my dear boy, how about I arrange a marriage between my beloved daughter and you since that pest is gone?"

I felt a shiver down my back. As they dragged me away, drips of tears fell down my face as if I were a waterfall. They just couldn't be contained. I furrowed my eyebrows, what are you crying for? When you already knew there was a chance of this happening. My heart felt like it would break any moment. Why... have I done something wrong? I lived a harsh and unfair life for so long, yet I get betrayed again. What the heck.

    They threw me in a dark, dingy cellar kind of place. The prison looked as though it hadn't been maintained for a very long time. Why would this ever happen to me? After all, I've been so careful about how I approach being Madeleine. I never bullied or treated anyone badly and I've always tried to be as cool as possible to look like an amazing queen candidate.

    Is it Lidia? She must've done something to cause this. The image of father standing over me saying those cruel things to me drifted to my mind. I still can't comprehend that father would ever say that to me. Even the otome game father wasn't so cruel to Madeleine. It must be magic or something. The image came to my brain, my eyes felt like crying again.

    I did cry again. How stupid!



    The guards said the carriage would arrive tomorrow, and that I would have to spend the night here. It was probably father who suggested the carriage to take a while so I could suffer here. My heart ached again. I feel so empty.

    I couldn't sleep at all, I just stared out the small window at the top.

    .I narrowed my eyes. I wonder what I'll do when I get out of here.

    As I stared in absolute silence, something appeared in my prison cell. It looked like a portal of some kind. Out came a full body Sierr. W-WHAT. He stared at me casually as if it weren't weird at all. Ahh magic. After he got out, he looked towards the portal. And out came August! !?

    He stared at me with shock. "Leine!" He yelled walking towards me.

    Suddenly I was brought into a tight embrace. Sierr stared at us like he was irritated by something. "W-what are you doing down here?!" I asked tear filling my eyes again, August still hugging me. "We've come to take you away. We obviously can't stay here!" August yelled. His arms felt warm. For the first time in this life I felt helpless and here you are. I keep being saved from madness from people, in my first life it was Tohru and this time it's you guys.

A tear dripped out of my eyes. I thought everyone had abandoned me. I feel a bit touched, the tears didn't stop.

    Sierr rubbed a tear off and said, "Let's go." He motioned towards the portal. I smiled gently as August stopped hugging me.

    "Thank you Sierr, Thank you so much." I said. He sighed, "What are friends for? And you're looking real emotional right now, what's up with that?"

    "I'm not sure, I guess I'm just sad haha." I replied wiping another tear, trying to act like I was so grateful I became another person. Sierr gave me a disgusted face, "HUh? That's wack bro."

    "Die." I said holding up my fist. August started laughing. Guess I couldn't hold my superiority complex.

August held out his hand and so did Sierr. I took both of their hands and we went through the portal together. Don't know why or how this happened but my goal since the beginning hasn't changed. I will most defiantly be queen victorious of the Florente empire. That I am sure of.

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