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" due to the actions of Ms. Dixon along with contribution to your medical history, you will not receive harsh repercussions for your actions. You will be suspended for the remainder of the week, however, this will not reflected on your record."


Glad I was at a school where they dill didn't just suspend you, they actually analyze the events that led to the altercation. I went home shortly after that. I assume they called pops cause he was calling me shortly after I got home to see what happened. He said we would talk about it later. I don't regret shit, hell I'd do it again and make sure her ass didn't get up this time.

She lucky Wiz was there bruh.

I honesty ain't meant for it to go down like that. Spitting on someone is disrespectful as fuck and I told myself a long time ago I won't be disrespected like that again. I blacked out. Pops really bout to send my ass to a therapist now. I feel my phone vibrating and fondle under the blanket.

" I'm on my way to your house." The light skin boy said looking at me through the phone.

" you should be in school."

" you more important."

" bullshit. take yo ass back to school."

" get yo ass up and open the door." I prentend not to hear him. " stop playin yo." His tone getting serious. I roll my eyes and go and unlock the door. A few minutes later he was walking through it.

" why you come here?" I ask once he gets in the living room. He sits next to me and gets under the blanket.

" cause I can. I outta whoop yo ass but you gone learn eventually."

" shut the fuck."

He glares at me and I laugh.

" it's funny making you mad."

He mocks my laughter and in a swift motion he's on top of me, in between my legs, with his right hand around my neck. I look up at him shocked and he has a smirk plastered on his face. He bends his down so that his mouth is next to my ear.

" stop playing wimme shorty." He says deeply, and seductively. It sent a. It sent a shiver down my spine.

He leans up from me slowly and licks his lips before returning to his initial position. I stayed laid back on the couch with a hard dick.

" ain't funny now is lil nigga." He says laughing whole heartedly.

" fuck you." I mumble.

He sits with me for a while longer before leaving to go get us some weed and food. I decide to take a nap till he gets back but pops beat him and ended up waking me up.

" she fucking spit on you?"

" yes, I almost killed her ass yo. She had me mad tight bruh."

" I wouldn't have let go my fingers would've been through her esophagus to the back on her neck."

We laugh.

𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐤Where stories live. Discover now