Day #1: Who's worthy?

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Author's Note #1: @whimsical-writer requested a Science Bros fanfic, so this is for her. Also, this fic is somewhat AU. Nat, Clint and Steve still work for S.H.I.E.L.D, and Tony still has the arc reactor and his suits. This takes place after all the movies so far, but keep in mind that Tony is still Iron Man.

Bruce woke up happily. Today was completely free, the Avengers were getting a day off. Not that they had to save the world daily, but some of them had missions for what was left of S.H.I.E.L.D., or projects, or whatever. But not today. Today…they were free. Bruce walked downstairs, excited about the day to come. After walking downstairs, he was met with a strange sight. Steve Rodgers was cooking. Now, that wasn’t very strange, but he also was wearing an apron with words saying: ‘America’s Greatest Cook’. This wouldn’t have surprised Bruce, but Steve was also…singing. Not his normal 1940’s songs, which he hummed all the time, but something much, much worse. He was… Well, it was hard to believe, but Steve was singing Taylor Swift. 

“It'll leave you breathless, or with a nasty scar. Got a long list of ex-lovers, they’ll tell you I'm insane. But I've got a blank space, baby, and I'll write your name!” sung Steve. Bruce was paralyzed with shock. Steve continued singing, all while cooking scrambled eggs. After he was done with that song, he did some sort of spin(while holding the pan), and came face to face with Bruce.

“Oh… Hi there, Bruce,” he said. Bruce quickly closed his mouth, which had been open with shock, and smiled.

“Hey…Steve,” he said, trying to sound nonchalant. Steve smiled awkwardly, then went back to cooking breakfast. Bruce offered to help, but Steve assured him that he was going to make breakfast for everyone. Bruce sat on the couch, reading news on his phone, when he heard sounds from outside. He heard a high-pitched scream, and an ominous crash. He ran to the window, and wasn’t too surprised at what he saw. From what he could tell the so-called Bird Bros had been both trying to use Sam’s wings. Sam’s wings had been destroyed in the HYDRA battle, but Tony had made new ones. Sam and Clint walked in, laughing though bloody and bruised. Just then, Natasha walked downstairs. Her eyes met a battered Clint and she sighed.

“What the hell, Clint?” she asked in a tired voice. Bruce figured she was used to Clint’s antics. Clint just shrugged, then ran away with Sam to bandage up. Natasha sighed again, then sat on the couch beside Bruce, pulling out her StarkPhone. Tony walked downstairs, smiling evilly. 

“Yo, Tony!” called Bruce. Tony grinned.

“S’up, my bro? After breakfast, I’ve got a project for us in the lab,” he said. He raised his eyebrows a few times on project, which slightly frightened Bruce. After a little while, Bucky, Pepper and Thor came downstairs, and everyone started eating breakfast.

“YOU HAVE MADE A GREAT MEAL, STEVEN!” said Thor in his booming voice. Steve smiled.

“Thank you,” he said. Then Natasha’s phone rang. 

“Hello? Oh, really? Yes, of course. I’m sure they would appreciate that. Okay. Yes. Bye.”  She turned to the team and frowned. “S.H.I.E.L.D. is giving us the whole week off. For all of us S.H.I.E.L.D. members, so basically the Avengers won’t be fighting crime for a week, S.H.I.E.L.D. will take care of everything,” she said. Everyone was surprised, but happily so. They continued eating their breakfast, in a better mood.

After breakfast, Tony grabbed Bruce’s hand, and pulled him into the lab.

“Okay, I have a great plan,” Tony said, in that scheming way of his. “We make a fake Mjolnir, but we make it so heavy that even Thor can’t lift it. But, it’ll be magnetic, so I can easily ‘summon’ it while in my suit. Good idea, am I right?” Bruce nodded, but he was a bit skeptical of this prank. They got to work, all the while Tony was laughing about the great prank and how genius he was to come up with it. By the time they had finished, it was 5 o’clock, and they had completely forgotten about lunch. Because Tony couldn’t be seen carrying Mjolnir, he called Thor to the lab.

“Thor!” he yelled, “You left Mjolnir in the lab again!” Thor walked in and tried to effortlessly pick up the hammer. Obviously it didn’t work. Thor’s eyes widened in shock, and he sunk to his knees. Am I not worthy? he wondered, staring at Mjolnir sadly. Maybe I wasn’t really trying, he thought, and pulled again. He yanked and yanked, and cried out in despair. Soon the other Avengers had congregated to the lab, and they watched Thor try to no avail. Tony walked over to where he stored his suits, and got into his newest one. He walked back into the lab, and ‘summoned’ Mjolnir to his hand. Thor cried out in some sort of emotional pain, and fell to the ground. Bruce looked at Tony, worried. Tony seemed to have the same concern, that Thor might actually be really hurt and devastated about this.
“Hey, Thor, this is just a fake Mjolnir. Your real one is in the weapons cabinet,” said Tony. Thor ran to the weapons room, and picked up Mjolnir, then ran back to the lab, and flung Mjolnir at Tony. Thankfully, Tony was wearing his suit, but the impact still sent him crashing into the wall. Tony got back up, and charged at Thor, yelling. The fight continued, with Tony and Thor crashing through walls, and breaking everything. Bruce massaged his head, he was already beginning to get a headache. And this was only the first day. 

Author's Note #2: Okay, so I may continue this, if enough people want me to. If I did continue, I would do the whole month, so about 30 chapters, one for every day of the month. Of course, I'd probably only post a new chapter once a week. Tell me what you think!

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