Day #2: Ikea

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Author’s Note: 

This fic takes place in November, so keep that in mind. Okay, this chapter was inspired by many things. A trip to Ikea with my brother and dad, cinnamon rolls from Ikea that my friend brought to a movie night, a tumblr post saying something along the lines of ‘the thought of the avengers going to ikea and thor being able to pronounce the names is hilarious’, and most importantly this fic from ao3 & tumblr: , which I found on this blog: Seriously, check out that fanfic, I pretty much made a rip-off of it. Oh, and the name of the product in here was totally made up. I know the accents mean things, this was just for fun, I did not intend to mock anything. Enough of this extremely long note, let’s get to it!

Bruce sighed as he helped Tony fix Avengers Tower. One wall and two windows had been completely shattered, and various other items were somewhat broken.

“Hey, Bruce?” asked Tony. Oh no, what trouble is Tony going to cause this time? wondered Bruce. “I was thinking… A lot of stuff got broken in my fight with Thor, so maybe we should get some new stuff from Ikea? Yeah, let’s do that. HEY GUYS-“


“Turn on the radio!” said Clint. They were on their way to Ikea. Tony had convinced everyone that it would be a fun, happy time, but Bruce wasn’t so sure.

“No, Clint,” he called back. Bruce was driving, and he really thought they should have used multiple cars, because everyone was pressed against other people. In the front seats, Bruce was driving, Tony was shotgun, and Pepper was squeezed into the micro-seat which was in-between. In the next row, Thor, Steve and Bucky were cramped together, and in the last row was Natasha, Clint, and Sam. Bruce could hardly move, or hear, for that matter. It seemed like everyone was arguing.

“Get your damn elbow out of my face, Barton!”

“Steven, you are compressing the contents of my stomach.”
“No. Tony, stop.”

“Sam, don’t you dare tickle me— arg!“

“Well, maybe if you moved a bit to the left-“


“Your arm is quite painful, Cold Soldier.”


“Well, maybe if you weren’t laying on me-”

“If you do that one more time, I will murder you.”

“Would you rather him lay on me?”

“Shit, Tony, stop!”

Bruce could already feel the headache beginning. 


When they finally got to Ikea, Clint insisted on getting cinnamon rolls before shopping. Bruce had tried to protest, but Tony had already started walking to the cafe. Soon they were eating cinnamon rolls while walking through the store. It was hard to buy anything, because right when they found the right section, Sam would drag them to one of the house models, and they would forget where they had been headed.

“Okay, enough!” They still hadn’t picked up a single item, and Bruce couldn’t stand the constant bickering. “Let’s split up. Tony, Pepper, and I will go find a new coffee table. Steve, you go with Thor and Bucky to find a new ceiling fan. Natasha, Sam, and Clint, you are going to find a few decorations to replace the ones Thor smashed. A few.” Everyone split up, and Bruce had finally started to relax.

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