crackhead house

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y/n's p.o.v

me and the losers were sitting in bill's garage. he was talking about some house on a map that was connected to the sewers. 

all of a sudden, eddie runs to the wall and rips the map off.

''w-what the hell? put the mat back!'' bill said.

eddie shakes his head. suddenly, the projector starts clicking. everyone became quiet. the projector switched to a picture of bill and his family and zoomed in on georige's face.

''g-georgie..'' bill said.

the projector zoomed in on bill's mom. her red hair was covering her hair, until the face of a clown popped up.

everyone shot up from their seats and started to panic.

''what the fuck?! what is that?!'' richie screamed.

''i don't fucking know!'' eddie screamed back as they hung onto each other.

i started to panic and i looked at stanley who was the exact same.

''turn it off. turn it off!'' beverly screamed and mike kicked the projector and it fell down from the table. the screen still showed the clown, who was looking at me and stanley. and then it disappeared. everyone was breathing heavily and my heart pounded. then, 

the clown came out of the screen and appeared in the room. it was smiling, a smile so big that it was covering half its face with millions of teeth. it turned to me and stanley, i grabbed his arm out of fear and started backing away.

''stanley!'' bill yelled.

''y/n!!'' richie screamed. 

stanley ran to the other side of the room, but i wasn't fast enough. i fell down in fear and the clown reached out to grab me. i screamed and suddenly...

it was gone. 

bill's garage door was open and i was laying on the ground, taking in what had just happened.

''oh my god are you okay?'' richie said and embraced me in a hug. ''i'm so sorry, its all my fault. i should have protected you.'' he said and cupped my cheeks.

''it saw it, and it knows where we are.'' eddie said.

''i-it always did. so l-l-lets go.'' bill said walking out of his garage.

''what? where?'' ben asked.

''to neibolt. that's where g-g-georige is.'' bill said.

''after what just happened?!'' stanley said, his voice cracking with fear.

''yeah we should be outside, it's summer.'' eddie said.

''if you say its summer one more f-f-fucking time..'' bill said and hopped on his bike and drove away.

''bill wait!'' beverly says and follows him.

guess i'm fucking dying

time skip

we all arrive at the neibolt house and and see bill on the porch of the house.

''bill you can't go in there, this is crazy!'' bev said.

''you don't have to come in with me. but what happens when another georgie goes missing? or another betty? are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town? because i can't. i go home and all i see is that georgie isn't there. his clothes, his stupid toys, his stuffed animals, but he isn't. so walking into this house is easier than walking into my own.'' bill said.

''wow, he didn't stutter once.'' richie said.

bill started walking into the house and people followed.

''wait! shouldn't some people stay out here and keep a look out? you know, just in case something happens.'' stanley asked.

''who wants to stay out h-here?'' bill asked.

everyone, including me, raised their hands, except for bill and beverly. richie looked around and sighed.

''fuck.'' he said. he walked over to me and kissed my forehead. ''i'll be back soon. guys, make sure nothing happens to her!'' he said as he walked into the house with eddie and bill.

i sighed and sat down on the stairs of the house. stanley sat beside me. 

''why haven't i seen anything?'' i asked him.

''what?'' he replied.

''i mean, everyone has seen things, including you. i think it's weird that i haven't since i'm fucking terrified'' i said and laughed a nervous laugh.

''trust me, you don't want to see anything.'' stanley replied.

suddenly a scream was heard from inside the house. i stood up and walked closer.

''we.. we should help them, right?'' i turned around and asked beverly. she nodded, stood up and walked to the door, ben and mike following her.

i felt someone pull on my arm, it was stanley.

''y/n, you can't go into that house.'' he said with tears in his eyes.

''it's going to be okay, stan.'' i replied.

''what if something bad happens?'' he asked.

i took his hand in mine as a way to calm him down.

''everything will be fine, as long as we stick together.'' i said reassuringly. 

multiple screams were heard from the house again, beverly opened the door and we all ran in.

''where are they?'' i asked, breathing heavily. 

''to the right.'' beverly said and we all ran to the right. that's when we saw it. the clown we saw earlier hovering over eddie who was holding his broken arm.

beverly grabbed a metal spear and stabbed the clown in the face with it. it stops moving and blood comes out of it's face, but instead of dripping down, it's floating up in the air.

everyone takes the chance and runs over to eddie. stanley stands behind me, burying his face into my neck, and i can feel my shirt become wet from his tears. 

the clown turns his head, the spearcuts me and ben in the stomach.

''fuck!'' i scream as blood starts to poor down my legs. ''are you okay ben?'' i asked ben but he didn't answer, he was looking straight at the clown who was backing away from us.

''don't let him get away!'' bill screams and runs after him.

richie sits in front of eddie, with beverly by his side.

''i'm gonna snap your arm back into place!'' richie screamed.

''do not fucking touch me!'' eddie screamed, but richie counted to three and a cracking sound filled the room, and eddie starts screaming.

''let's get the fuck out of here!'' i scream and we all run out of the room.

a/n <3

hey y'all 

sooo i watched chapter 2 like two weeks ago and i cried so much i'm still depressed

i have so much internalised homophobia lmao i want to die

ALSO ABOUT THE ENDING OF THIS BOOK: i've kinda planned the ending but i think people will think it's too sad... should i go with it or nah

btw i kinda wanna delete this book lmao bc it sucks lol say yes or no

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