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This is a school Oneshot. You, Lillie, and Hau are in 11th grade while Gladion is in 12th grade. You are the most hottest girl in school and everyone wants to ask you out. You'll see what I mean. And there will be some little things at the end, if ya know what I mean. 😉 Enjoy!
Your POV
Sometimes, I wish no one noticed me. Everyday I always get asked out on dates or find notes in my locker. What I hated most was Valentines Day, Especially this one.

We do this thing at my school where you kiss the cheek of a special someone. I was going to my study with my boyfriend Gladion. We were talking until we hit the cafeteria, where I have my study hall. A whole heard of boys kissed my cheek. One boy even kissed my lips. Gladion smacked him. "I don't care who you are, but the only person allowed to touch her lips is me. So DONT try this again or I'll make sure you never kiss someone again." The boy ran of and so did the other. He hugged you protectively. "You are mine." You kissed his cheek. "And I plan to stay yours." You said.

You and Gladion walked to your table then waited for Lillie and Hau. A few moments later you saw Hau and Lillie run towards you two. "Woah, what happened there?" You asked. "People...chasing us.." Hau wheezed. "Yeah, no kidding." Gladion grumbled. Lillie looked at him. "What's got your hoodie in a bunch?" Lillie asked. "He's mad at this guy for kissing me." You said. "Well I would be mad too if someone kissed Lillie in front of me!" Hau said, putting his arm around Lillie making her blush. "Well I still love ya Gladion, I'm yours." Gladion thought of something. He stood up, grabbing your hand. "Gladion!" You said. Lillie giggled. "Have fun!"

Gladion took you to the old math room, no one goes in there. Heck, the only ones who know about it are just Gladion and Lillie. There were no windows, not even a peep hole on the door. He locked the door. "What is this place?" You asked. "It's my thinking space. I used to come here all the time." He said, taking his hoodie off, revealing a black under shirt. You sat on a table. "So, what are we doing here?" Gladion smirked, dimming the lights, then walked back over to you. "We have 35 minutes, and I wanted to give you a good Valentines Day." You knew what he meant. Your mood turned all flirty.

You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a passionate kiss. He kissed back a bit rougher but you like it. You made out for a little while until you did a bit more. He moved from your lips to your neck, kissing around until he found your sweet spot and kissed it. You moaned which that made him smiled.

He stopped to kiss your bottom lip. "Happy Valentines Day Y/N/N." He said. "Happy Valentines Day Blondie."

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