The Prologue

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Um hi, so my name is Bob so you are probably wounding where I live. Well to be exact I live nowhere because I live everywhere I use a device called the T.T.T.T.T.T.S or The Teleporter that travels through time and space. I know it sound stupid but it lets me travel to different worlds and universes! So I can come to your universe anytime I feel like it so you can see me and say "Oh hi Bob, how's it going Bob?" And I'll be like "Just visiting your planet." And your like "Ok bro." But traveling through time and space can be very dangerous if you do one wrong move you can ruin the future for everyone on that planet. Now that can sound bad, I know but don't worry there is always a way too fix everything I have screwed up so many times like recently in one world I made everyone thing that there was no such thing as lemonade. Like what would the world be without lemonade. But anyway this book/diary/poem/whatever you call it is about me, Bob going to other planets and Universes!

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