Thy Beggining

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"Dad we ran out of milk!" Ashley cried. Her dad smiled. He grabbed his coat and started walking towards the door.  " don't worry there's a gas station five minutes away from here I'll be back soon."
"make sure it's Peanut milk cuz you know, Im vègæń"

A few hours later

Ashley started to worry since his dad was gone for 69 hours. So she decided to go to the gas station to look for him. It was cold and dark out, and the street lights were flickering. When she got there she saw that it was closed but she saw somebody greasy was sitting outside wrapped in a llama blanket.
"hello? Whomst are you?"
The bitch looked up.
"i'm Jocelyn, Whomst are you and what do you want grrrr"
"i'm here to look for my dad.He said he left to get peanut milk but he never came back, what about you?"
" what the hell I'm here for the same reason"
They both  at looked at each other in confusion.
"what should we do?" Ashley asked.
Jocelyn shrugged her man shoulders.
Suddenly they heard the ringing of a bell. They both turned their heads and saw that there was a pink two seated bike. They both ran towards it like idiots. The bike had stickers that said "trump 2020" and "in this country we speak English"
"I agree" Jocelyn said. " Trump is sexy"
"I agree too"
"Who do you think left this sexy bike here?" Ashley asked, while licking it.
Jocelyn shrugged her man shoulders again. "I don't know but we should take it"
"So we can look for our fãthęrš, you know, ride it around town."
Ashley got in the front seat and Jocelyn in the backseat since she's too much of a dumbass to know how to ride a bike.
after a few minutes, Ashley started speeding up. With the windy weather, the speed, and Jocelyn not holding on tight to her blanket, the blanket flew off of her shoulders. Jocelyn looked back and saw that the blanket landed on someones face. Strange since they both thought they were the only ones out at this hour. the person stood there with the blanket on their face for about five seconds. Then, they slowly took it off, only to reveal that it wasn't exactly a person. It looked more like a monster, and not the sexy kind. It's teeth were completely showing, and it seemed as if it was mouthing "h e n r y"
Jocelyn screamed and freaked out making Ashley loose focus on riding the bike.
But it was too late they crashed into a car, and they both blacked out.

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