I'm so sorry:(

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Guys, I really need to apologize, so much shit has been happening in the last few weeks and I just couldn't find the time nor the strength to update. I'm sorry.

I still feel like I need to tell you guys so I'll start with the little and work my way up.

1) Apparently I have a concussion... so I quite literally couldn't type correctly. Tell you teachers: SAFETY CONES ARE NOT A GOOD ALTERNATIVE TO WET FLOOR SIGNS WHEN DITSY PEOPLE LIKE ME ARE AROUND! Me, being a typical Kylie, saw three sketchy-ass looking safety cones in the middle of the gym and thought to myself "This is going to be fun" as I decided to full on sprint through them weaving back and forth like an airplane.

My plane crashed.

On the bright side the Doctor who saw me was hawt. as. fuck! He looked like an Angel sent down from heaven to cure all my sickness and bestow happiness onto my soul because Damn, he was pretty.

2) There is this guy at my school, we'll call him Bubble wrap, and one minute it almost seems like he likes me. Like he's interested and I'm interested, so we should just be interesting together and be happy. But the next thing you know Bubble wraps let some other little bitch poke at the little pockets of air, like damn. I just don't know if I can deal with this shit anymore.

3) Serious talk now, I just recently found out that a very close friend of mine took his life Sunday after-noon. He locked himself in his parents room before shot himself.

I had a lot of trouble dealing and needed time to myself, to grieve. It truly is a tragedy when someone so beautiful, and so intelligent, feels so low that they feel suicide is the only answer. IT IS NOT THE ONLY ANSWER! Wherever you are, however low you feel, there is always someone out there who cares about seeing your beautiful face everyday.

You are loved. You are Beautiful, smart, funny, interesting, quirky, and everything else you want to be! After this experience I have learn how precious life truly is, and just how fast it can be ripped from our grasp. If you are ever even considering killing yourself, or just having a bad day, come talk to me whenever! I love you no matter what. Remember that.

YOU ARE LOVED! Especially by me!

Comment down below someone who would miss you or you would miss.

I love you, Beautiful. ;)


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