Days as Cindy-Lou {4}

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Tuesday ,17th December

"So in the end I went with Dr. Seuss" I said as I beamed at Finn.

Mom needed my help with our Christmas party decoration and designing the invitation card while my sister Paige is put in charge of catering — which miraculously she has settled this morning so now Paige has to help me with getting decorations in accordance to the theme I've chosen. I came up with the idea of having a Dr. Seuss themed party right after my last encounter with none other than our neighborhood's very own Grinch.

Today is our third encounter on our roofs and it has become less awkward. It was the usual: me already sitting on my roof at about eleven in the evening awaiting his hello. He had asked about how our party preparations going and I told him of my never-seem-to-be-ending tasks.

Finn smiled still munching on what I assume are tic-tacs. "What did your mom say? She liked it?"

He knew about the party and I even invited him to come but he hasn't told me if he's coming or not. I hope he comes though. I really would love to introduce him to everyone and finally for him to be a part of this neighborhood.

"Oh she was ecstatic!" she did. I've never heard mom yelped in glee. "I think she is super excited with the idea of dressing up" My eyes then turned on Finn. He was staring at his feet. "Can I ask you something? But please know that I don't mean to offend you"

He replied with the softest of smiles and the gentlest of nods someone can give. I feel myself blushing, averting my eyes to the scattered stars above us. Funny how the stars reminds me of his soft freckles. I turned to him once again and met his dark brown eye and braced myself.

"Did you steal all those Christmas lights?" there — I asked.

I watched him fiddling something around his wrist, a bracelet of some sort. His eyes were downcast when he admitted. "Yes. It was me"

Funny. I wasn't surprised. I think deep down I already am certain that he's the culprit. Reason is still unknown. "May I know why?"

"I just hate Christmas" he replied simply.


"I'm exactly like the Grinch aren't I?" he added.

I don't know if he realize that my idea of having a Dr. Seuss themed Christmas party is him. What he said made a little bit queasy. But I didn't show. "Because you hate being alone when everyone else is out being merry?" I said with a nervous laugh.

He nodded with a sad smile. "And the fact that my adopted mother died a few days before Christmas too" he nonchalantly said.

Oh Finn.

He went on telling me how he got adopted by a woman named Cara, a single mother whose son, Mike, died in a lab accident. Finn was twelve when he got adopted. Cara would often call him Mike but he didn't care. At least he's finally belonged to a family. Or so he thought.

"It was a few days before Christmas. She decided to go out to get some things. Her tires slid on an icy road, the car went off track and just drove into an icy pond. She was stuck frozen in her car when the police and rescue team got her. I wasn't there but that's what I heard from the police" His fingers were still fiddling the bracelet.

I swallowed a lump I didn't realize I held. "I... I'm sorry" I muttered. "How old were you when she died?"


I almost gasped. How has he been able to still smile after all of this baffles me. True, he is reclusive but I know for a fact no one can be this mentally strong and live.

"B-but how did you manage to run away from the system? You're not even seventeen Finn" I feel like wanting to reach out to him.

"I begged for Cara's brother to adopt me. Technically my adopted uncle becomes my adopted father but of course that comes with a price" he smiled. "I have to hand over half of my inheritance to him. He adopts me, helped me find a house out of the state and moved me here in Hawkins. After that he just disappears. So here I am, living in hiding until I reach the ripe age of eighteen"

I don't know if what I'm hearing is the truth or just some soap opera bull crap but the look from his face says everything is true.

"Too much?" he asked as if knowing I'm finding all this very hard to believe. His glossy brown orbs stares at mine. He was tearing up.

I shook my head. "Establishing rapport remember?" I said. He then laughed softly, wiping his tears.

At that moment, I couldn't conjure up words to say. I feel like everything I've just heard are made all made up but looking at how he lives his life kind of make sense.

"Finn" I began. "Thank you for opening up to me" I decided that I'm going to believe him. He looks like he needed it and I feel like jumping across and give him the tightest hug I could. But knowing he has severe anxiety he would've hated that.

He shook his head. "Thank you for believing in me, Millie"


We said our goodbyes not too long after that. We went down our roof at the same time. I watched him close his balcony window before I slid mine shut. I sighed and rubbed my temple. What I've just discovered is beyond tragic and heartbreaking. I was about to head to the toilet when I reached into the pocket of my oversize grey hoodie.


I forgot to hand him the party invitation. I took it out and smiled at the piece of hard paper in my hand. An illustration of the infamous green creature, a Dr. Seuss creation at the very front with Cindy-Lou on his shoulder. I held the card against my chest and close my eyes.

I hope I can give you the Christmas you always deserve Finn.

a/n: To quote Finn here, "Too much?" XD

I mean, what is a story without a tragedy? - Hayley

P/s: I forgot to tell you guys something. English is not my main language. I apologize if my sentence is confusing :')

The Grinch: A Fillie Christmas storyWhere stories live. Discover now