Chapter 1

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The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Arthur lays in bed awaiting the usual "Good morning sire" from Merlin, but it doesn't come. He just lays there for a while, hoping that Merlin is just late, but soon he can't wait any longer, and he has to get up. He sighs deeply and rolls out of bed, hesitantly walking over to get dressed, he doesn't want to ask Gaius for help yet again, he should be able to do it on his own, he is 25 years old for god's sake.

After a long while of struggling to get dressed, he finally manages to do so and look decent. He used his time getting dressed to think, most of his thoughts were about Merlin, he kept popping up in his mind. He had decided that he won't wait for Merlin to return anymore, he is going to get him and bring him home to where he belongs.

He finds the stable boy and asks him to prepare him a horse, Gwen catches him doing this. "Where are you going, Sire?" She asks in her familiar soft voice. "I'm getting Merlin" He quickly replies, not even looking at her, busy with packing his bags. "Why? He said he'll return once his mother is well, shouldn't you just stay and wait? You have a kingdom to rule after all" Gwen says, trying to reason with Arthur and make him stay. "I'm not changing my mind Guinevere" He simple replies as he gets on his horse and rides out of Camelot.

The journey to Ealdor was not that long and luckily it isn't as dangerous as it used to be now that Albion is one peaceful nation.

Around noon two days later, he arrives at Ealdor. His presence causes a lot of attention and soon the whole city is surrounding him expect Merlin and his mother. Arthur sighs quietly to himself and gets down from the horse, tying it to a pole. "Sire, may I ask why we are blessed by your presence here on this day?" A villager asks. He cringes a little to himself, even after years of ruling the kingdom, he still isn't used to formality of the civilians in the kingdom. "I'm looking for Merlin" he announces. A small girl shyly tucks on Arthur's cape. She points to a small house. Arthur ruffles her hair gently and smiles. "Thank you for your help," he says before walking towards the house.

Arthur considers if he should just walk in, but he decides it'll be better to knock first, so that's what he does. "Come in" Merlin's voice calls out, Arthur isn't going to admit it, but he had really missed Merlin's voice. He walks in and closes the door after himself. "Hello" he quietly says. It takes all his willpower to not just run over and hug Merlin. "Arthur? What are you doing here? Is there trouble back in Camelot?" Merlin asked, making that cute expression he always makes when he's scared. Arthur goes to hug Merlin, he just couldn't resist it anymore. "Everything is well in Camelot, I just came because...Gaius is really missing a helping hand or that's what he said...he's just worried about you" Arthur says, most of it being a lie. The knights had been great at helping Gaius, so there wasn't any problem there and the part about Gaius worrying wasn't true either, Gaius has nothing to worry about regarding Merlin's return, he knows Merlin can't leave Arthur forever, everyone knows that to expect Arthur, of course.

Hunith is just smiling softly in the background, even she sees the love between them, she's seen it since day one, they really are two sides of the same coin.

"You can tell him he doesn't have to worry, I'll probably ride back in the next couple of days," Merlin says, smiling softly, his cute dimples showing up. Arthur almost melts, Merlin's smile goes straight to his heart, he could stare at it for hours. Then the realization hits him. "A couple of days?" He quietly asks. Merlin nods and is about to say something when Hunith breaks in. "I'm alright Merlin, I can handle myself from now on," she says, now standing behind Merlin and lovingly squeezing Merlin's scrawny shoulders. Merlin looks at her, frowning ever so slightly as he nods. "We could ride out at dusk tomorrow, then you'll have the rest of today with your mother" Arthur suggests, he doesn't want to see Merlin upset, but he really wants him to come home with him. Merlin smiles and nods.

Merlin and Arthur had gone to collect firewood, stacking up on Hunith's stash so it's easier for her once Merlin goes back to Camelot. "A lot of people miss you back in Camelot" Arthur says, breaking the silence. "People? So not you?" Merlin asks a small smirk on his lips. "Of course not, you're a terrible servant" Arthur now starts their typical banter. Merlin makes a cute little nosey laugh. "But I am better than that boot-licking replacement servant you have" "no, you're just more exciting," Arthur says, smirking. Merlin smiles, looking all proud. "I'm exciting?" He asks. Arthur sighs and chuckle. "Don't let it get to your head, you....clotpole". The banter continues until they return to Hunith's house.

They haven't been in the house for long before there's a knock on the door. Merlin goes to open, seeing a young women standing there, blushing and even acting like a love struck school girl. "Is it true that King Arthur is here? Can I talk to him?" She asks, her voice overly sweet. Merlin knows where this is going and it disgusts him, but he doesn't let it show. "Of course, I'll get him" he answers, faking a smile. He goes to Arthur and again tries to hide the disgust he feels towards the woman, he doesn't want Arthur to ask questions about it afterwards. There's a woman at the door, she wishes to speak to you" Merlin says, coming of a bit too formal, but Arthur doesn't seem to notice, he just nods and walk to the door. "Hello, what do you wish to talk to me about?" Arthur asks. The woman blushes even more. "You're more handsome than people say" she says, looking shyly at the ground. "Yes, I hear that quite often, but I doubt that what you want to talk about" Arthur says, smiling kindly at her, he can't let her notice that he isn't flattered by the compliment. "I actually just wanted to see you, I'm sorry if I wasted your time" she says, now seeming a tad bit embarrassed. Arthur takes a smile, acting like it no problem. "It's alright, but I must get going now," he says and close the door. He rolls his eyes and walks over to Merlin. "Couldn't you have said I wasn't here? She doesn't want to speak of anything of importance, she just wanted to see me...a waste of time" he mumbles, annoyance clear in his voice.

Their day goes on pretty calmly from that point, and they get around to the time they have to sleep. Merlin and Arthur are laying next to each other on the floor. "This reminds me of the time we had to fight was so long ago," Arthur says quietly, chuckling a little. He doesn't want to wake up Hunith. Merlin smiles but it quickly fades, his eyes become watery, and he sniffles. Arthur looks at him with concern and sorrow. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing, I just remembered Will...." Merlin whispers, his voice weak and shaky.

Arthur goes quiet for a bit, the only noise in the room is Merlin's sniffles. "I'm sorry Merlin...he was a brave man," Arthur says, trying to comfort Merlin. (I made myself tear up with this xD). Merlin nods and wipe the tears from his cheeks. Arthur reaches over and gives Merlin's lanky shoulder a comforting squeeze. Merlin turns to Arthur, smiling weakly at him. Arthur wishes for nothing more than to ease Merlin's pain. Arthur moves over to Merlin and gently hold him, comforting him silently and lulling him back to sleep. He carefully moves back once Merlin is asleep and soon fall asleep too.

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