Chapter 10: SeulRene

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A/N: This will be a special chapter for SeulRene. Enjoooy!

Two figures sat side by side on a lone bench by the lake as silence enveloped their presence. The shorter of the two fiddled with the grass using her right foot. She brought her face up to face the setting sun in front of them before glancing at the silent girl beside her. The girl’s face was scrunched, as if she was digging deep in her brain, searching for something-anything to say.

Irene made a face at her companion’s behavior. The girl had been acting strange for the past few days; not answering her calls, always out when she would drop by.

“Let’s break up,” the girl uttered in a low voice as she dropped her head.

Irene blinked once, twice, thrice too many while she shook her head. Did she hear it right? Was the girl talking to her? She looked around. There was no one but them; of course the girl was talking to her. Irene's heart tightened, as if pumping blood was the hardest thing to do at the moment. Whatever happened to forever and always? To infinity and beyond? They were a team, partners, lovers. But.. but..

“Why?” was all Irene could say in a weak voice. The girl, on the other hand, stayed immobile; breath hitching, readying herself for the slaps and kicks and whatever Irene would decide to give her. But it never came.

“I—we’re not.. not ready.. yet. I can’t com-mmit.” The girl answered honestly, her head still hung low.

Irene swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, keeping her tears at bay as she stood up.

“Alright then. It was nice playing games with you, Seulgi.” With her back facing Seulgi now, Irene wiped the few droplets of tears that managed to escape from her eyes.

As if the heavens knew how she felt, dark clouds covered the once orange and pink hue of the beautiful sky and soon growling sound echoed in Irene's ears, just in time her tears flowed freely on her cheeks, accompanied by the rain that unexpectedly poured. She was soaked, inside and out.

Seulgi glanced at Irene's retrieving figure for the last time.

“Goodbye, summer love.” She whispered, tilting her head back to welcome the raindrops that harshly hit her face.


Irene walked aimlessly, leaving her mind and heart to the bear-lookalike girl. Of course this was inevitable; Seugli leaving her or her leaving Seulgi. Didn’t summer flings work that way? But she hoped against hope that their story would be different. That somehow, this summer fling would last through all the seasons. But she was a fool to believe, a fool to hope. Because really, summer flings were called summer flings for a reason. She laughed bitterly at her own thoughts. Of course those sweet nothings were nothing too. It was all part of the game, right? Make poor Irene fall in love and break her fragile little heart. Was that it? Maybe yes. Definitely yes.

She dropped her body to the ground, hugging her knees close to her chest. The sky growled louder, mocking her. Stupid Irene falling for a summer fling. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

She brought both her hands up to her mouth, sealing it shut as sobs become too uncontrollable. The rain continued to pour harshly above her. Wet hair covered her face as rain and tears blurred her vision, but she didn’t mind.

The rain stopped pouring and Irene looked up with blurred vision, only to see two figures standing before her. The other had extended her umbrella towards Irene, shielding her from the rain. The shorter girl bent down, examining her. Dainty finger swept all the wet hair off her face and Irene's eyes focused on two light brown orbs before darkness consumed her vision, body falling to endless darkness and two long arms held her tight.

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