chapter 5

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The night before whatever they called it had came, America had taken you with him to his house.It was rather large being that you thought only he lived there. Pulling up into the driveway you noticed three figures around a fire, america looked at them and sighed. He got out of the car and looked back to you
"Stay here for a bit I need to do something." He closed the door and ran up to the figures. Muffled shouting is what you heard... he yells if you do something wrong? Will he yell at you? No, no he wont yell at you, they started a fire they are really bad. You cant imagine what your parents would have done to you if you started a fire. Burning? The dark room? Or maybe they would get the knife? You really didnt like thinking of it so, you watched through the window you kept posture not to get punished. After the fire was put out America came back and opened a door. He held his hand out to you and you took it with hesitation, becuase you were too short for the car his hand helped you get down. Before you could get to the ground you saw a tall figure behind America staring at you. This curved you to back away almost falling but then you caught yourself on America clearly he noticed your state and turned around.
"Alaska,jeez you scared the kid." The tall one looked down at you without any words and kneeled down. You looked at at America and back to the teenager now known as Alaska.
"So they live here now?" Alaska payed little mind to you besides the normal questions, their voice was on the more quite tone so you liked them.
"Y'all coming in or what? 'Laska it's your night to choose the movie!" A new voice a load bold one came from the house before America could answer so he looked back and answered.
"Yeah we're heading in now!" He took you behind his leg where you normally go naturally and started walking inside with Alaska. Before you got in Alaska took you and whispered to America.

~~Alsaska POV~~
I asked America if I could keep the small one with me and Hawaii. He said yes besides keeping track it was Soulth Dakota's night and I let America know but told him he could choose anyone. Going inside I waved everyone goodnight as for tonight I had also planned to hell Hawaii with something she wont tell me. Heading upstairs to the top of the house the child spoke
"H-how m-m-many people are he-here?" I looked down at them before answering
"There are fifty states one province one territory... I think? And one country. So fifty three people not including you." They look uneasy at this information so before we went into Hawaii's room I patted them on the back in a comforting way. I thought that is what it was displayed as but they almost looked they wanted to run away or cry. I must have looked concerned tward them becuase they spoke
"I-Im sorry I-I just-" they looked like they were trying to find the right words to say so I went down to their level. At GB is action they held their hands over their face in defence. An add habit I wonder who made them fo this?
"I am r-really not good with touching? I ummmm ImreallyreallysorryifIambeingrudedontpunishme-" I held out my hands in a way to shush them as I was confused 'punish them'? Why would I do that for me making them uncomfortable? So I asked
"Why would I punish you for something I did that caused you to do anything?" in a more joking tone I continued
"I was in the wrong so you should punish me!" This made them look back away in fear flowers growing out of their arms the mumbled somethings but I could barely hear anything
"no.........not me......... become a monster...."
What I did hear them mumbling was enough to concern me so I spoke again
"Hey, hey it's ok I was joking no one gets punished here for things as simple as this please dont be scared" by now Hawaii must be confused because I should have been in her room by now. Just as I was thinking of it I heard the door creaking open, just my luck.

I am be finished another chapter I might upload another chapter soon becuase I am getting a creative spur so yea! Being at America's place may take 2 more chapters becuase I want the states each to have their time with you though some may get a better chapter than others and I'm sorry for dat but this end not is getting long so bye uwu ×_×

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