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       The group of friends filed into the 7/11 as Otto filled the van with gas. Geoff dug through his bag looking for his wallet. He fetched it out of a side pocket and started his way up to the gas station. He was counting his money as he opened the door and collided with the blue-haired boy.
Awstens sour green slushie was now all over Geoff's shirt and pants.

"Oh my god," Geoff huffed rolling his eyes tilting his head up slightly.

"M'sorry," Awsten apologized looking down at his shoes.

"Of fucking course. As were three hours from Ottos, you're so annoying." Geoff ranted as he stood outside of the gas station trying to clean it up. Awsten felt frozen as the taller boy spat insults at him. "You talk so much and oh my god your stutter is so annoying."

Awsten sniffed. He hated crying in front of people. He worked up the courage and walked away from Geoff climbing in the back of the van just wanting to be at Otto's house already.

The Rest of the ride was semi-quiet. Awsten was scared to talk only nodding along to Travis and Lucas's stories.
Otto could tell something was up with the blue-haired boy.

Otto pulled into his big driveway, the huge house coming into view. Awsten let out a small whimper hopping his summer wasn't gonna be shit.
Awsten was the last to get out of the van. He grabbed his stuff out of the trunk and followed them into Otto's house.
"Hey, Mr. Wo-Wood." Awsten smiled seeing Otto's dad sitting on the couch.

"Hey Awsten, how's it going back in Pennsylvania?" He asked smiling.

"Uhm, my par-parents are gett-getting a div-divorce." Awsten frowned.

"Oh no, I'm sorry Awsten." He apologized quickly.

"It's o-okay." Awsten nodded heading downstairs to Otto's room or aka the basement.
He got down the steps and saw Geoff was lounging on what was his sofa.
Awsten let out a little whimper.
"I ha-hate to be th-That bi-bitch, but that's my so-sofa." He stuttered staring at his shoes.

"Oh my god just sleep on the other one Geoff huffed Laying back down and mumbling something irrelevant.
Awsten sniffed and took one of his backpacks and booked it back upstairs and to the fourth floor of Otto's house.
He opened the door to the familiar guest room. This was Awstens' so-called room or the place he went to be alone and cry. No one really touched the room between Awsten leaving and coming back each summer.
Awsten sniffed and smiled gently seeing the strip lights were still up. He pressed the on button and watched as they glowed a soft blue. Awsten set his backpack on the dresser and changed out of his clothes.
He exchanged the jeans and shirt for an oversized shirt and leggings. He grabbed his phone charger plugging it into the outlet by the bed.
He plugged his phone in and saw lots of texts from Otto.

Otto: what's wrong b?

Otto: where'd you go :/?

Otto: I'm sorry if I did anything wrong.

it's okay I'm in the guest room for tonight. And something happened with Geoff

Otto: what happened?

I accidentally spilled a slushie on him at 7/11. He got really mad and was yelling at me and making fun of my stutter.

Oh, that's so unlike him. I'm really sorry bud I'll tell he's gotta go home in the morning. Anyways I love you bestie 😘

Love you too ❤️

Awsten flipped his phone over and headed to a well-needed rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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