Chapter 24

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Waking up the next morning I fully expect myself to be alone and see Romero and his girlfriend around the house. 

But I'm surprised when I feel warm arms wrapped around my body so tightly and me cuddled up to someone. 

He looks so calm and peaceful sleeping. His blonde hair unruly and a mess. 

This feels so wrong. I'm married. 

Married to a monster. 

Papa and Mama didn't raise me like this. To wake up to another man's arms while married. 

But I didn't expect my husband to be a dickhead. 

I expected my husband to love me, care for me and cherish me. 

Guess life's not a fucking fairy tale am I right?

"Dante!" I nudge him awake because his arms are wrapped around me like I'm about to run away. 

"Dante!" I call out again but give up when his light snoring continues.

Guess he must be a heavy sleeper. 

I cuddle into his chest and sigh lightly. The tingles on my skin are undeniable from the proximity to him. I am about to close my eyes to have another mini nap when I feel him kiss the top of my head.

"Morning bambolina!" His husky morning voice sends sensual shivers down my spine. 

That Italian word sends a flush to my cheeks even though I don't know what it means. It just sounds so endearing. 

"What does that mean?" I say with a small smile on my face trying to hide my blush with my hair. 

"You'll find out soon, maybe or maybe not?" The playful tone in his voice does not go unnoticed. 

As soon as I feel his arms loosen around me I get out of his grip and run to the kitchen. The overwhelming feeling of embarrassment taking over my body. 

This is wrong. I am married to fucking Romero but I am feeling this way towards Dante.

What do I do? 

"Athena!" At the sound of his voice I know he is coming to the kitchen so I turn my body away so he can't see the tears in my eyes. 

"Hey, hey is everything ok?" His hands cup my cheeks so that I meet his light eyes. 

How am I meant to explain this to him? 

The ring on my finger means something else but the flutters in my heart mean something else. 

"I'm married Dante. I feel like such a fucking whore for doing this. For waking up in another man's arms." I sniffle as the tears slip out.

I put my hand up to wipe them away but he already does that for me.

"What the fuck?" Dante exclaims loudly and I jump. 

He grabs my arm and I flinch thinking he is going to drag me somewhere like Romero did last night. 

"Did he do this to you?" He asks me with a low voice full of anger. 

I know what he's looking at. 

The bruises on my wrist. 

He probably didn't notice them last night. 

"Dante please leave. You are his best friend. This is wrong. I'm so sorry." I tell him while signalling towards the door. 

"Dante please before he comes back. I don't want me to be the reason you stop talking. Please!" I think he hears the desperateness in my voice because he pulls away the emotion in his eyes unreadable. 

"Ucciderò quel bastardo!" Dante hisses in Italian. 

With one last peck to the forehead and an empty promise to see me soon he leaves. 

Leaves me just how it began with the lonliness. 

I felt the old Athena resurface when i was with him. 

Athena Rosa Valentine. Not the Moretti that stays quiet and fucking obeys Romero. 

I felt the tingles when he cuddled with me.

I felt the butterflies swarming my stomach. 

But this is probably never going to happen again. He is Romero's best friend. I mean i have his number and everything. 

Romero is doing the exact same thing to me but why do i feel so guilty? 

I feel bad for making Dante leave on an empty stomach. I grab a glass of orange juice and granola bar and call it a day.

Where is Romero?

I know he didn't come back last night. I decide to call him getting a little concerned.

I shouldn't be feeling like this. I shouldn't worry about someone who treated me like shit last night. 

After a few rings he picks up but i hear no noise. 

"Hey Romero!" I say quietly afraid he might yell at me for calling him.

But that's when i hear it the creaks of a bed, the moans and groans. 

"ROM!" I hear someone moan. 

No doubt it is his girlfriend. 

Tears prick my eyes as i hang up. I just cuddled with Dante and i felt so guilty yet here he is having sex with his girlfriend.

Why is he torturing me? It feels like punishment. 

God what did i do wrong?

Why the fuck am I trying to be loyal to him when he is fucking that whore? 

After getting dressed in blue jeans and a white top I do nothing but watch movies and play games on my phone. What else is there to do in this place? After a while I get bored and I go swimming in the pool but even then nothing can distract me from this inevitable loneliness which creeps into my heart. 

I feel like I have no purpose. Nothing to do. 

Thoughts of Mama cloud me every day and I want nothing more than to join her. But she would be so disappointed if I hurt myself and try to kill myself. 

I wouldn't want to upset her. 

"I miss you so much Mama!" Tears streak down my cheeks.

If she was here, I wouldn't be across the globe away from everyone I loved. 

I don't know what time he is going to come back. But I hope he doesn't. 

I can't stand the bitchiness from Natasha nor the painful abuse from Romero. 

I hope they stay wherever the fuck they are and leave me here in peace. 


Should Athena feel guilty?

What do you think Dante said?

Read to find out.

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Soul x 

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