Chapter 60

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The truth is Athena Rosa Valentine never left my heart. The truth is my love for her was so strong it had to be gone. 

It would become my weakness. 

And as my father stated this life has no time for weaknesses. 

I didn't want to hurt her. 

I regret laying a hand on her. 

But I needed to scare her. She has consumed me whole. 

No one can stop me from having her. 

Not in this life. Not in the next. 

I kicked Natasha out. Turns out she was just using me for my money and sex. I had given her everything and she used me. 

Maybe everything I felt for her wasn't real. 

It stemmed from my love for Athena. 

"Baby don't cry." I hear my Ena comforting our daughter. 

"I want Daddy!" Mirella cries and I go into the room. 

I make a move to pick her up and she ends up crying her light blue eyes just like her mother's red and puffy. 

"You better fix her up. I am her dad now. Make her forget." I tighten my hold on Athena's arms and she nods silently. 

I've accepted her daughter as my own. 

She is a mini Athena. 

It took time but I finally have her exactly where I want her. 

In my arms. 

Now and forever.


It's been a nearly a year since we've been living with him. 

We as in Mirella and I. 

I have taught her well and made sure she addressed Romero as her dad. If she didn't I would be forced to make her obey him. 

All I ever wanted for Mirella was to have a happy family. She is only 3 years old yet she's experienced death. 

She won't remember much as she grows older but I will. 

I do. I will remember. 

Every single kiss. 

Every single touch. 

Every single tear. 

Every single laugh.

I'm holding on to something. Every last memory of Dante. 

That's all I am left with. These memories. 

These memories are the one and only thing he can't take from me. He's taken my daughter. He's taken my life. 

But not my memories of Dante. 

I've learnt to put on a mask hide my emotions. My only purpose left is to please him and protect my daughter. So he doesn't take his anger out on me or my daughter. 

"Daddy!" I hear Mirella's squeals as she comes running into our room.

A room that Romero and I now share. 

Romero follows her soon after growling lowly with a smile on his face.

"Mama!" Mirella jumps into my arms and I let out a laugh. 

Seeing her smile is better than the tears she had in her eyes a few months ago. She was scared of Romero but I made that fear go away. 

"Careful Ella." Romero takes her from me lightly scolding her. 

"Mama might get hurt!" Romero looks at me and his eyes travel down to my stomach. 

My stomach which is swollen. Romero wasted no time in keeping me here lifelong with him. He knew by doing this there would be no escape for me. 

The babies. Yes babies. Twins. 

That grow inside of me is the reason everything is picturesque. 

"I'm sorry Daddy!" Mirella apologises and looks up at Romero.

I see Romero's eyes soften when he looks at her. 

He's accepted her. 

She is his daughter. 

All because the light blue eyes she has reminds him of me. 

"It's okay amore!" He pecks her forehead and she runs away to her playroom.

Leaving me alone with Romero. "She loves you!" I laugh as he sits beside me. 

"She's exactly like her mother." He tucks in a stray strand of my blonde hair behind my ear before pecking my lips softly.

It's gone back to the beginning. 

Back to when I was his Ena and he was my Rom. 

A part of me will always love Dante. 

But for a safe future for mychildren I have to accept this life.

I have to love him. 

Maybe it was twisted fate. Our souls meant for each other.

Because we found a way back in each other's arms. 

I don't know what it is. But I will put up a fight. 

A fight toprotect Mirella and the twins. 

The love of my life is dead. 

My husband loves me. 

I am back to being Athena Rosa Moretti.

I am his wife. I am her mother.

But before all that. Before all of this started.

I am his Ena. 


I wrote the ending while listening to this song. 

It is finally finished. I have already started drafting the second book. 

Hope you enjoyed. 

It was a rollercoaster. 

Comment your thoughts what you loved, what you hated  and how you wished it ended. 

Follow me if you want to know when #2 Broken Ties comes out. 

Soul x 

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