Girl Behind The Mask

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Girl Behind The Mask Chapt.1  

"Avery get your ugly ass up now!" I groaned and rolled off my king sized bed and put on my fluffy pink slippers and walked over to my diamond rimmed mirror and looked at my reflection. My brown hair in knots and the effects of another sleepless night where clearly shown in my chestnut eyes. I raised up my shirt looking closely at all the scar across my stomach,when without warning my bedroom door flung open and standing the doorway was my mother, her long shiny black hair flowing perfectly down her back and her piercing brown eyes filled with disgust as she looked at me. "God Avery look at you,your disgusting." She walked over to me pulling on what little fat she could find."Go bathe and I'll find something for you to wear." I nodded meekly and went to the bathroom. In my mothers eyes I was a puppet,and she was the master.I had to be the prettiest smartest most popular girl in school. She insisted on decorating my room in pink,every single inch from the walls to the sheets, if I had it my way the walls would be white with colors splashed every where. My mother thought it necessary that I owned nothing but designer clothes. You would think I would like this but I hate being controlled but in this family I had no say the only person I could talk to was my twin brother,Alec.  

I walked out the bathroom and back into the pink nightmare. Laid out on my bed was a mini denim skirt and a strapless pink top and silver flats.I quickly got dressed and straightened my hair grab my bag and went downstairs and into the kitchen where Alec sat devouring some pancakes.His black hair perfectly spiked,Alec was perfectly tanned he was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of dark jeans."Slow down there they ain't going anywhere bro." I laughed. "Neither are we grab a plate and eat or we'll be late." I took a plate and two chocolate pancakes and sat down next to Alec and we ate in silence, it was comfortable silence, being by my only real family I felt safe. When we were finished we got into Alec's Mercedes SLR McLaren, I loved his car.It was a electric blue with sliver accents and sliver rims rims.(A/N:describing not my strongest point but working on it)The second we begun to drive Alec turned towards me "Did he touch you last night?" he spat with with venom in his voice. I felt the tears prickling the back of my eyes, I nodded meekly because words wouldn't come.There was a flash of anger in his eyes."Alec don't do anything stupid am fine."I said composing myself."Don't give me that bullshit Avery.It isn't right he shouldn't be touching you,hurting you,Ave let me do me do something to him."This was Alec always so protective but I couldn't let him do that he would end up hurt I couldn't stand that."Alec look don't be stupid you would end up getting hurt."His grip on the steering wheel tightened and his knuckles turned white. "I can't just sit here and watch him hurt you Avery I just can't." With those words last nights events came flooding back   


I lay on my bed surrounded by softness,maybe he wasn't coming tonight maybe I would get some sleep. How wrong was I,my father came staggering in drunk as usual. I braced myself for what he would do tonight."Come here you angel." I swallowed and got up resisting would do me no good. He pushed me back on the bed and began to sexually abuse me, I fought back tears that were forming in the back of my eyes I wished just once that someone would save me stop him from his abusive ways but that would never happen every night he would come and do as he pleased. After he got bored of sexually abusing me he started beat me careful to avoid the parts of my body that would be visible after I put on clothes. He stuck to my stomach area beating me and cutting me enough for me to suffer and bleed but not enough for me to die, sometimes I wish he would just kill me but I couldn't leave Alec alone were all each other has. After he had his 'fun' he staggered out laughing. I curled my body up into a ball and cried myself to sleep wondering when this nightmare would end.  

~End of flashback~  

"Avery you okay?"Alec asked and I simply nodded. Looking around I realized we were at school I saw our crowd waiting "Let's go their waiting" I sighed getting out the car and we started walking over to them. I am head cheerleader and Alec's the quarterback another part of our parents obsession with the image of perfection. "Morning" We said together which was answered by a chorus of Hey's we stood there talking about the most material things you can think of,I rather be anywhere but here I think Alec saw it he gave me a reassuring look,I hate keeping up appearances.Finally the bell rang I practically sprinted to the chemistry lab,I loved Chemistry and since none of the cheerleaders bothered taking chemistry I was that bit happier to be away from them, I couldn't stand another second of meaningless conversation. I took a seat in the third row Ms.Dennie was already at the front of the class waiting for students to get here.When class she put us in pairs I got Owen. I never really noticed him before, he lived on the fringes of society,more or less a loner.He had black hair messily coming over his soulful green eyes. Over his muscular and perfectly toned body was a plain black t-shirt with dark blue jeans. Man he's gaw-jus I found myself staring at him,my mouth must have been hanging open because he laughed a melodious laugh making me shiver and want touch him trace my hand all over his body."See something you like Avery?"His voice,so perfect in every way I'd give anything for him to utter another sound.I mentally kicked myself I was going mad over a guy and I didn't answer him so I was standing her looking like a is probably a good time to say something.C'mon Avery say something,anything."Y-y-y-you know my name?" was all I could manage to utter,"Your the most popular girl in school how could I not." he said the he looked me straight in the eye and everything around us was no longer nessacary as long as I had Owen everything would be fine, what was I doing?? I managed to work my way out of this trance and realized he was staring this caused me to blush but I liked being under his gaze it felt like I belonged there,"See something you like Owen?"I laughed as I sat down next to him he looked away and I immediately wanted him to turn back around.I felt a pull towards him all I wanted was to be in his arms.How is this even possible I don't even know him, and I refuse to trust anyone but Alec because all people do is betray your trust and hurt you and I've had enough hurt to last me a lifetime.  

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