Girl Behind The Mask Chapt 4

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G.B.T.M Chapt 4!

Averys pov

We were walking up the steps about entering to enter a loud booming angry voice stopped us. "AVERY COLLINS!!!" Holy shit! "Uhh hey bro..."I said while giving him a weak simile."How YOU doinggg??" I asked trying to be chirpy. "Avery don't play-de-ass with me!! Where have you been?!??!! I've been worried sick!" He said while running towards me pulling me into a bear hug ."Hey Alec am sorry I kinda just-" I started to babble on but Alec pushed me away and turned to Owen."YOU!!" he yelled stomped over to Owen. "You lil son of a-" Oh great he's mad. "Alec it's not his fault!!! He saved me!! " I yelled trying to reason with him but knowing Alec this would take some time. "How could he have saved you??!!! Dad said a huge wolf came in and took you out the window which if you ask me sounds a bit far fetched but if that is true how could he have saved you?" Holy pie! Me and my big mouth what do I say to that now, I looked at Owen pleading for help, well he got the message and said. " I saved her from the wolf and brought her back here." He said lying smoothly, I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in."Well you might have saved her then but it's not gonna last forever because the longer your away the angrier he gets." I could see Owen shaking from anger but Alec was right. "Owen he's right the sooner I go back the better. He's only going to get worst and more aggressive." I said trying to make him see sense. "Avery! Your not going back there I won't let you go can stay here!! Avery please stay." He said begging, he didn't know how hard he was making this but I had to think this through if i left Alec would be alone there was no way I was leaving him alone in that house with those people, family first. "Am sorry Owen, See you at school." I grabbed Alec's hand and dragged him to the the car.Thankfully he didn't object and got in and speed off in the direction of our house."Ace??" echoed in my ear till I realized it was Alec waking me up.I slid out the seat and we walked in the house. Thankfully my father wasn't home, I went straight to my room and had a bath and washed my hair. I was sitting at my desk playing music on my laptop in pajama bottoms and a plain white shirt my wet hair sticking to my back when my phone went off. It was a text from Owen. 'Hey get ready we're going out.' I got up and finished drying my half wet hair. I threw on a white jeans skirt with a black top that had different graffiti over it and then my black high top converse. I put some eyeliner on grabbed my phone and went out my room and into Alec's. "Am going out later." I ran down the stairs and was about to leave when I was stopped in my tracks."Where do you think your going young lady?!" Urgh! Am not in the mood for this! "On a date bye." I said attempting to exit again but once again was stopped."With who?? and dress like that??" she said her tone holding disgust. "You don't know him and whats wrong with the way am dressed?" I asked no longer hiding my annoyance. "If I dont know him then he obviously isn't much and you shouldn't waste your time with nobody's am sure even you can fine somebody worth something and you can't be going on a date in sneakers." Anger surged through my veins like wildfire. "How dare you talk about Owen that way!!! You don't know him so-"there was a honk outside stopping my rant."Look thats him bye!" I yelled in snobby tone and stomped out the house slamming the door behind me.

"Hey beautiful" Owen said leaning against the car as I walked down the path.He opened my door and then skipped around to the other side, at least one of us is in a good mood. "So where we going?" His lips formed a mischievous smile "You'll see." I slouched back in the black leather seat and looked outside trying to figure out where we were going. Outside trees were swaying in the wind and we seemed to be going further away from civilization with every passing minute. I eventually gave up knowing there was no way I could guess or even come close. "What's wrong?" worry dripping off all his features. "Am fine Owen really it's nothing to worry about." I said hoping he would drop it but as usual my hope was in vain. "Avery please talk to me." He said looking hurt."Look it's nothing I had as stupid arguement with my mom that's all nothing to worry about okay?" He seemed satisfied and return his attention to the road as I just closed my eyes listening to the wind out side and finally drifted off into sleep.

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