Chapter 8

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 "Well that's new."

"Hmm?" Opening an eye, I glanced over at Dr. Walsh as he moved the ultrasound wand around. "What is?"

The cold gel on my abdomen sent shivers through me as I waited for him to reply. Annoyingly the screen was turned away so I couldn't see anything on it.

"It would seem your... uterus is changing again." He still hadn't taken his eyes off the screen, barely acknowledging me from where he sat fiddling with that damn wand.

"Changing how?" The snark in my voice was getting stronger by the moment. I'd been more and more irritable lately. Dreece kept joking that I was getting my period which is why I'd been acting like an ass more than normal.

"Hmm... just changing." Sometimes I wanted to strangle this man. It's like he forgets that I'm a scientist and more than capable of understanding what might be happening to my body.

"You know if you would just turn the damn screen so I could see it I might be able to explain what is going on. After all it's been three months and nothing has changed since the first few weeks."

I wouldn't have had to be looking at him to know that Dr. Walsh was rolling his eyes. He'd pissed me off and no amount of his wonderful whiskey scent was going to fix that. My snark must have worked though because he did turn the screen toward me so I could see what he was looking at.

"Right here," He drew a circle around the new tube growing from my uterus. "It would seem that either your uterus has become cancerous or it's trying to connect up to something."

"I highly doubt that it's cancer." It was my turn to roll my eyes at his words, my skin prickling slightly now that his attention was finally on me. Damn why did this annoying man have to look so good. "If I had to hazard a guess I'd say it's going to connect up with that other growth."

"What other growth?" His confusion made me smirk, a subtle reminder that I knew what was going on with my body better than he did.

"This one right here." I sat up carefully, not wanting to jiggle the wand to much and ruin the image we were both looking at. Stretching I pointed to another similar tube like growth. "It would seem that it is going to connect to my rectum, which in a way makes sense, that is the only viable opening through which I could be impregnated."

"So, your theory is that your body is preparing for what would be ovulation?" I'd expected disgust from Dr. Walsh, after all that was how he normally acted whenever we talked about my possible ability to get pregnant, but there wasn't any this time.

"Well... yes I suppose so. We won't know for sure until whatever is happening now is done, but it does make a sort of sense of its own." Shifting I would move to lay back down, causing the image to waver and lose focus. Dr. Walsh would tut slightly before adjusting the monitor once more.

"Intriguing. I wonder what will happen once this new passage opens up completely. Will it affect your ability to have a proper bowel movement. Is it going to be permanent." He stared off into space, seeming almost lost in his own world.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we." I grumbled moving to get myself cleaned off. "Anyway, I have a shift in about an hour so I should probably get cleaned up and ready to head out."

"There's no need to rush." My words must have brought him back to reality. "I don't have any more appointments for a few hours if you'd like to go grab something to eat before you head in for work."

My confusion at his change of attitude toward me must have been clear as he paused in turning off the machine and cleaning up.

"What? You don't have to I just thought I'd offer." He watched me almost wearily, reminding me of just how kind he was that first night.

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