Chapter 3 Ariel's past ranger years

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When they got back Ariel showed them a few things that had wolves on them, including a wolf crystal puzzle that one of her other friends put together for her. "Why are you showing us these things?" John asked. "I didn't tell you guys this, I'm half werewolf." Ariel said. "Hold on, you're half werewolf? How do you know that?" Virginia asked. "My ancestors were werewolves. I just found out that some of the powers somehow got passed down to me, one of them being immortality, which basically means that I can't die. I used to help the power rangers." Ariel said. "Whoa, you must have been getting stronger over the years." John said. "Yeah, that was basically it until one day my friend, Jason Lee Scott, died after we fought some generals from the machine empire. After that I didn't help the rangers for a few weeks. I was really devastated by that." Ariel said. The next day Ariel was working on a project that she started with Jason Lee Scott but she wasn't able to finish it before he died. Then Calvin walked in and took her gem. The reason for that is because he needs the gems to make the power bracelets for the rangers. When he was done with the bracelets he got the rangers together and gave them the bracelets. "Keep them with you at all times, it will access your morphers when you need them and they can also be used for communication and I added some extra stuff to them." Calvin said. "Thanks Calvin." Ariel said. Then Calvin walked out. Ariel decided that it would be good for the rangers to train for a while. While they were training Ariel heard a voice and looked behind her but there was no one there. The next day Ariel decided to tell the others about what happened to her after Jason Lee Scott died. "Guys, ever since Jason Lee Scott died I have been getting a lot of different voices in my head and I don't know why." Ariel said. "Could you be becoming schizophrenic?" John asked. "I don't think so." Ariel said. "What could be causing this problem?" Virginia asked. "Are you saying that this is a problem?" Ariel asked. "Think about it, if we're in a battle and you get a voice in your head that could stop you from doing any battles with us for a while, just like when Jason Lee Scott died." Jacob said. After Jacob said that she got a flashback of her and Jason hanging out with some of their friends from angel grove. The next day Ariel was training by herself. After training for two hours Ariel decided to go out for a run with her friends. She decided that they should take a break at wood street park. Ariel was sitting by the small creek by herself when her friends came up behind her and tried to talk to her but all she heard was a voice telling her that Lord Draven had to be destroyed. Then she turned into a wolf and attacked them. Then she ran away. "Why would she attack us if we did nothing to make her mad?" John asked. "I know what her anger is like. It takes the smallest thing to get her mad. That's not the case. Maybe it's because of the voices that she has been getting in her head." Virginia said. Meanwhile at the community park Ariel asked herself why she attacked her friends when she didn't mean to. "I need to stop these voices but I don't know how to stop them. Maybe I am becoming schizophrenic." Ariel said to herself. She starts to think that she can't trust anyone or to rely on herself. She asks herself why she can't rely on herself or trust anyone.

Meanwhile back at the headquarters Virginia and the others are still trying to find out why Ariel attacked them. "Could it be possible that she had a close relationship with Jason where he was like a big brother to her?" John asked. "She's probably feeling guilt for his death and that could be why she is having voices in her head." Virginia said. "You think that maybe she is not schizophrenic and that she is feeling guilt?" Joe asked. "I'm just guessing." Virginia said. "There's only one way to find out." Jacob said. The next day Ariel returned. "Hey, sorry about yesterday guys. I don't know what came over me." Ariel said. "It's fine but you need to tell us what is really going on." John said. "Okay, I had a really close relationship with Jason but after he died I felt like I had something to do with his death eventhough everyone else has been telling me that I had nothing to do with it." Ariel said. "So what you're feeling is guilt." Virginia said. "Guilt? About Jason Lee Scott dying?" Ariel asked. "Well yeah, what else?" Jacob said. "Okay, maybe I am feeling guilt for Jason's death. And yeah I do get voices in my head. I think it's because of that." Ariel said. The next day Ariel went out for a run by herself when Jason's spirit showed up. "Ariel." Jason said. "Jason." Ariel said back to him. "You have the strength and soul of a wolf but your heart is leaving you astray. I couldn't be saved." Jason said. "I don't believe that Jason, I saw how you wanted the help, I could have helped." Ariel said. "Yes, that's true, but even you couldn't have helped. You were too young to be of much help. I needed someone older." Jason said. "No, you're wrong, you could have used my help I can feel it." Ariel said. "What you're feeling is guilt." Jason said. "Guilt?" Ariel asked. "You feel responsible for my death. If you hadn't helped the leaders." Jason said before getting cut off by Ariel. "Then none of this would have happened. I wouldn't have come along you wouldn't have asked me for any help and Tommy wouldn't have given me a chance." Ariel said. "Look deep into yourself Ariel. You know that you're friends won't give up." Jason said. "Or maybe I had friends, but lost all contact with them." Ariel said. "If you turn into a wolf they might get hurt, is that what you want?" Jason asked. "Thank you Jason, for all that you've done, but this is something I have to do." Ariel said before starting to walk away. "Ariel, are you trying to stop the voices or redeem yourself?" Jason asked before Ariel ran away.

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