Chapter 10 pushing to the limits

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The next day Ariel was talking to her friends about doing some training but this time, to push themselves to their limits.

While they were training Ariel told the others, except for Virginia, to try to tap into their mythical creature spirits. Jacob was the first one to tap into his mythical creature spirit. Then the others tapped into their mythical creature spirits. "Nice job everyone, take a break and we'll get back to it in about an hour." Ariel said. While they were taking a break Virginia walked up to Ariel. "Hey, they still need to turn into their mythical creature forms. Jacob just told me that he can do that." Virginia said. "I'll believe it when I see it." Ariel said. After taking a break for an hour Ariel asked Jacob to show her how he goes into his mythical creature form. Then he thought about what he could break through and turned into a gnome. "Okay, I guess that makes three of us that can go into our mythical creature forms." Ariel said. Then they got another alert. "Guys, let's go!" Ariel said as they ran out of the headquarters. They find themselves face to face with a mythical creature that is a cross between a tiger, a goat, and a snake. "I was afraid of that." Ariel said as she looked at the snake part of the mythical creature. "Let's do it." Virginia said. "Okay, you guys ready?" Ariel asked. "Ready, mythical creatures power up!" All of them said at the same time. Then they fight the mythical creature. When they were fighting it Ariel, Virginia, Jacob, John, Brent, and Joe turned into their mythical creatures. After some of them got hit Ariel got an idea. "Everyone get behind me, now!" Ariel said. "What?" John asked. "Why?" Virginia asked. "Just trust me." Ariel said. Then she turned into a wolf and used the howl of the elders. After destroying the mythical creature they went back to the headquarters. The next day was the beginning of summer vacation. One day when they were training Ariel got heat exhaustion from training outside for two hours. At that moment John came outside and saw that Ariel collapsed and got her into the headquarters. "Are you okay?" John asked her after he got her into the headquarters. "Not really." Ariel said. "Looks like she got heat exhaustion." Brent said. "How bad is heat exhaustion?" John asked. "Heat exhaustion can get very bad and if left untreated it can turn into a heat stroke, which is even worse." Virginia said. The next day Ariel decided that it would be good to make sure that the others don't get heat exhaustion so she made a training schedule with some help from John. "Okay, so how long do you think that we should train for?" Ariel asked. "I was thinking like forty five minutes to an hour." John said. "Okay, I was thinking that maybe they could train for at least two hours in the spring and fall months. They should be training inside during the winter months and we should have some days off too." Ariel said. "That sounds like a good plan." John said. The next day the others noticed the new training schedule. "Why is there a training schedule?" Brent asked. "I don't want you guys to get heat exhaustion so that's why John and I made a training schedule." Ariel said. The next day Ariel and the others were fighting a mythical creature that was scaring a group of teenagers. During the battle Ariel took her moves to a whole new level which brought her powers over their limits, which in turn made her pass out. Since the mythical creature wanted to fight all of the rangers the mythical creature left. They take Ariel back to the headquarters and John decided that he was going to stay with her. "Is that what happens when someone takes it over the limit?" Joe asked. "Probably, I didn't expect her to take it past the limit." Virginia said. "She has been pushing us to our limits lately." Jacob said. Ariel was out for about four days, but no one knew when her last breath might have been if she didn't make it.

Four days later Ariel woke up with John by her side. "John, how long was I out?" Ariel asked. "You were out for four days." John said. "Let me guess, you stayed with me the whole time." Ariel said. "Yeah, it's just that for the first day all of us stayed with you." John said. That's when Ariel got a flashback of when Tommy got the power coins back and when he got back to the command center his readings were very low.

The next day Ariel was watching the other rangers as they practiced their moves. Then John walked up to her. "What's up? Why aren't you training with us?" John asked. "I still feel a little weak from taking my powers past their limits. That's why I am not training with you guys." Ariel said as she was watching Virginia and Joe. "Okay, so, when will you be able to train with us?" John asked. "Maybe in a week or two." Ariel said. The next morning Ariel was playing power rangers samurai on the Wii with John. "So that's one of your old ranger teams?" John asked. "Yeah, I was the black samurai ranger on that team." Ariel said. Later that day as they were training Ariel got a dizzy spell and decided to take a break. The next day they had a day off from training. "So, what do you guys want to do today?" Ariel asked. "How about we go to Kennywood. I heard that there is a new roller coaster that I would like to go on." Brent said. "Sounds like a good idea, since we have been pushing ourselves to our limits." Ariel said. They go to Kennywood and went on the roller coasters, including the new roller coaster called the steel curtain that's in a steeler nation section of the park. While in line for the jack rabbit Ariel told her friends that she remembers when she went on the jack rabbit for the first time. The first time she was on it was when she went on it with her dad and her uncle dave. When they went to go on the music express she heard a song that she loved and it was a Luke Bryan song called play it again.

It was 8:00 at night when they left the park. Before the others went home Ariel thanked her friends for going to Kennywood with her because there was no way that she was going to go by herself.

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