Paint The Town.

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The motor bike sped nimbly through the City Centre winding street through street taking its driver to start their new life. Unfortunately for her traffic decided to rear its ugly head as a form of welcome to Chicago from the city. If it wasn't for the fact she was completely new to the area she would have gotten off her bike with her bags and simply walked home, however with out the GPS she was clueless as to where that was. Jessica had managed to find a place close to central Chicago a one person flat argue blocks form FireHouse 51. The street had trees lining the pavement every few feet and the terriers flats and apartments had a warm burgundy coloured bricking on the exterior. She would start work with the ambulance team at 51 bright and early at 7 and would be on similar shift to the rest of the people on that rota.

Finally she pulled up along side her new home and got out. She then locked the bike after picking up her bag and fumbled with her brand new house keys.

Sun peeks through the window of her small bedroom in between the blinds, frankly there is little point in them being there but they did prevent her from being blinded every time she would wake up. The room was small but the apartment had a bathroom a living space and a kitchen the place wasn't much but it was enough for one person, Jess liked it, it had character. She hadn't outright bought the flat so it was important to make sure to collect her next pay check soon, but she wasn't consented with that at the minute.

Jessica rolled over and looked at her phone. 5:00 am. With a grown She heaved herself out of bed and dragged her tired body into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair and tied it into a mid pony tail she then walked back into the bedroom and unzipped her suitcase that she had barely unpacked last night excluding the bare essentials. She chucked on basic gym clothes and trainers. After throwing on a hoodie she headed out the door for a long run. She didn't know where but she made sure to keep the motel in sight  so she knew that she could find her way back again.

Finding herself on top of a hill in one of the grassy parks of Chicago, Jessica looked out over the city as it woke up and began moving faster. She continued her run passing new faces and dog walkers as she went.

Once she had returned from her early mourning run, She once again checked the time on her phone 5:45 am. 'Perfect' Jess thought to her self  'Just enough time to grab my things and drive to 51.' Opening a small red and black holdall next to her only suitcase she was able to balance in her bike, Jess began to place the necessities for her new job inside. Once she had packed what she wanted, brushed out her pony tail, placed the hairbrush inside, zipped it up, slung it over her shoulder, grabbed her phone and door keys, stuffed then in the front zipper of her bag and headed out the door. Making a bee line for her motor bike. Jess also kept a mental note to grab a coffee before hand.

Eventually Jessica was flying through Chicago as she made her way to start the first day of work in her new life.

After what felt like and eternity Jessica made it to the street that 51 was on. After getting of and locking her bike Jess had to Push her way passed the people meandering also got the pavement clearly unaware of everyone else around them.It was essentially pedestrian gridlock. So pushing down her Ohio roots she joined the masses of people and began pushing through and down the street to work. Eventually Jess emerged on the other side of the clusters of people and imediatly recognised the sign across the street next to a warehouse looming building that read 'Chicago Fire House 51'.

Once she had arrived at her new place of work she realise that the place was deserted of human life. Or at least the truck bay was. Jessica walked in the large open space where the 'garage' like would most likely be. She took a long look around the place and from a distance attempted to get a glimpse of something moving in one of the windows and called out "hello? Is anyone here" but to no avail, so she checked her phone 6:34 am. It had taken her a bit longer than she had hoped it would due to the piles of people on the pavement, but she was in no way late. So where was everyone. She decided to give calling out one last attempt "HELLO??!!" She yelled louder then the time before, but this time someone walked through a side door. He looked young about Jess's age had blonde-ish hair and was well built. Except Jess doubted he had noticed her arrival because he had his nose imbedded in a clipboard. "Umm- hi," Jessica said. Finally this unnamed man looked up and noticed Jess's presents. "Oh, h-hi.." he responded. " Hi, I'm the new paramedic, I'm meant to be starting in.." Jessica Checked the time once again, " 20 minutes." Realisation dawned on the guys face " Oh you must be Jessica Belinski, with ambulance 61."
"Yes that's me, but please, call me Jess,"
"Well Jess, I'm Matthew Casey, but u can call me Casey or Matt."
"It's nice to meet you, Casey"
" Same to you, Anyway the rest of the team won't be here for a little while so I could give you the grande tour of our establishment if you'd like,"he said with a subtle mocking tone. "Yes please. actually I'd love to know where I can dump my stuff and change."
" Of course, follow me I'll show you the lockers and the Fire house lounge." "Awesome." She replied as they headed through the door Casey had entered through only moments ago.

This is where everyone meets and chills out in between call outs. Word of warning don't sit on the chair in that corner chief will have your head for it." Jessica snorted in laughter and nodded her head " Sure, sure." They continued to walk down the corridor. "Speaking of that's chiefs office on the right and at the end of the hall is where a lot of people sleep when working nights, which a lot of us do. And my office is just on the other side of the room." Casey then beckons for Jess to follow him "and.... in here is where everyone's lockers are... yours is over here next to Brett." He said pointing to a line of lockers on the back wall of the room. " Thanks Casey," "no problem. I should mention that these are Co-Ed facilities but we usually just knock in case someone's changing. Other than that when your ready just head out to the lounge and I'll introduce you to the others. They should be her any minute."
Jess nodded and Casey took it as his queue to take his leave so she could change.

Jessica  unpacked her uniform and placed her belongings on the bench opposite her locker, she changed into her uniform, slipped her phone into her back pocket and through all other loos intend in to her bag and through that into her locker be for closing it and locking the door. Jess tightened her pony tail and walked out to join her new team.

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