Reckless Driving

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Sitting around on the cluster of sofas in the common room Jessica, Brett, Gabby and Stella were once again lounging together on their coincidentally symmetrically timed lunch break. The women were talking about anything and everything, frequently drifting off of topic to gossip and tell stories of their lives.

"So, we were called out by P.D for a medical assist and when we got there they're looking at us on the verge of bursting into laughter, and I ask them "Did you call it in?" they nod and point behind them into a locked shop door made of glass and on the other side is some nutter completely naked screaming pressing himself up against the, luckily, fogged glass!" brett along with the rest of the group started laughing as some of the boys walk in. "Talk about getting an eye full!" Stella said between gasps of laughter. " What are you guys laughing at?" Otis asked, glad the jess was settling in so well on her first day. But of course, jimmy had to ruin it, " yeah who got an eye full?" He asked. Herman as usual not having the patients to deal with Jimmy hit him around the back of the head rolling his eyes as Cruz pulled Jimmy away from the girls, leaving a slightly unnerved Jessica in their wake. "Don't mind him, Jess," Matt piped up " He's harmless, just doesn't have a filter." Jessica, Turning to Matt smiled and nodded almost muted by the sudden events.

Suddenly the all too familiar buzzer went off alerting the team to a new mission cutting Jess's first lunch break short. "Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61,  forklift crash in a warehouse on 67th street," That same voice from this mourning announced. "Awe already! My poor hot coco!" Jess joked as a ripple of laughter washed across the room. "Come on Jess," Brett said as Stella pulled the newbie off the couch "You can make some more when we get back," Brett sniggered as the two headed to 61, "You know I've never actually heard of someone crashing a forklift," Brett said as the two clambered into the rig. "This would be a first for me too," Jess responded " this should be interesting," Brett smirked, "Yeah, you can say that again." "Is every day like this?" Jess asked as the two pulled their seatbelts on. " Nah, this is just a Tuesday, The rest of the week is when it gets really crazy." Jessica laughed, but she noticed someone was missing, "Hey, where's chilli?" "Um, honestly, I don't know." Out of Jessica's side window she could see truck 51 and Squad 3 pulling out of the fire station. "Should we wait?" She asked. "I don't know." The blonde responded, "this has never happened before!" Jessica turned on the ambulance radio. "51, this is rig 61, Chilli's not here.. do we wait?" She said anxious. She could hear mumbles over the radio. "Has anyone seen Chilli lately?" It was Matt. "Not since the Ladies got back from the school call out." Otis said as the others nodded and Murmured in agreement. "No one on Squad three has seen her either." Kelly chipped in over the radio. There was silence. A tense unnerving silence, and finely Casey spoke. "Go, we'll deal with the fall out of what ever this is later." Brett started the engine, "You heard the man B, step on it." Brett put her foot on the gas driving at speed, lights and siren blearing. Jessica reaches across her self for her radio pressing a button on the side and talking into it, "On our way." 'Copy' was the only response Matt gave.


Pulling up to the scene, the girls could see the team were getting out of the respected vehicles grabbing their gear and following a panicking lady onto the building. Matt said something to Cruz gesturing behind at the two women, Cruz nodded heading towards the pair getting out of the rig. "You ladies need a hand with anything?" Given Chilli's absence the help was greatly welcomed. "Yeah can you take the red case for me." Jess responded smiling to Cruz. "Jess you and Cruz head in I'll meet you there with the gurney." Brett insisted. "Are you sure," Jess asked "Yes yes, B, go." Brett encouraged. "Okay B, I'll see you in there." Jess put a hand on her new friend shoulder as she passed and followed Cruz into the building.

Entering the main building Jess could hear a women speaking hurriedly and panicked "... especially at the end of a shift when everyone is exhausted!" She exclaimed. Jess and Cruz turned the corner into the wide open space neither expecting the scene in front of them. "holy Sh*t! That's a first." Jogging a little faster in a pointless attempted to make up for lost time Jessica placed her gear to the side out of the way but still in close reach if she was to suddenly need it. "Cruz, you can put it down next to the other stuff, and could you check on Brett, those hallways are disorienting" Cruz looked to Matt who nodded in response, "Go, we're alright for now," He followed his Captains advise and left to find Brett. "What've we got?" Jess asked turning back to the scene folding out in front of her. Kelly took this as his queue to speak, "This is Grant one of the metal arms of the forklift has been crunching his abdomen ever since the forklift fell on him." Matt turned from the accident to Jessica. "Can you get him stabilised?" She contemplated for a moment various options running through her head. "I can give him some pain meds but that's it."she said Matt looked like he was going to protest but Jess responded again. " putting a c-collar on him now could cause more damage when trying to pull him out than doing it with out one would." Matt thought for a second. "Okay, do it." A voice came over the noise "Come on guys pull!" One of the workers had taken it upon them selves to lead the others in a botched attempt to rescue their co-worker. Heaving and panting trying to lift the obviously too heavy machine Kelly shouted over the ruckus. "Guys,guys back it up." Herman aided in this yelling. "Guys move! Give our medic some space to work!" "Hey you did what you could, now back up, let us do our job!" Matt encouraged.

Finally having room to work Jess got to her knees next to the injured man reeling in pain. " Hi Grant, my name is Jessica, I'm gunna give you some pain meds but before I do, are you allergic to anything?" Grant shook his hard barely managing to breathe out a no. "Ok, I'm going to push some painkillers for you alright? but I need you to keep your arm still ok." Grant gave no response but did what he was told. Jess gave him the injection and was pulling the needle out when a box fell from the other side of the towering blue shelves. She was glad to be on this side of the forklift. Just then Brett and Cruz joined the others. Brett came up to Jess and they discussed what happened and the pain killers Jess had pushed.

"Hey, Mouch, Otis, Cruz," Kelly yelled and the three responded with a chorus of yes's "Grab air bags, struts and cribbing now," they nodded and followed their instructions. Matt contributed to the conversation: "Jimmy, Jaws of life." The young man nodded and followed the others back to the truck. "Dawson, Kidd, start roping this shelving." Herman has crawled under one of the machines arms and was talking to Grant as they were all moving about. Kelly knelt next to them on the outside as Casey took is turn out coat off. This was the first time that Jess has noticed how muscular he was, quickly snapping out of her thoughts she turned back to helping Brett prepare the gurney. "Hey, Casey." Kelly said "yeah" "Do you think we could fit the airbags on there?" "We can try." He responded. Cruz came back with the gear as Kelly beckoned the man over. The team quickly started work, placing the airbags under the forklifts arms. "Alright when your ready bring 'em up." Kelly announced. As the bags began to inflate more and more the sound of groaning continued to grow as the shelving unit continued to tilt. "Woah, woah, whoa, Woah. The shelves are going." Cruz and Mouch ran to try and support the structure but it was too late, things had already started falling. A tone of boxes filled with heavy items fell from the top shelves a few of which landed on some of the team, including Jessica. "JESS!" Otis yelled as she yelped and collapsed on impact. "Damn, Jess!?" Matt added noticing how this day had gotten far worse. As the two had reached her and the others had re-stabilised the structure Jess was, unbeknownst the others, coming around from a black out due to the impact. She groaned, pushing a box off of her shoulder. Matt and Otis pulled of the other boxes and Brett came over and helped her friend up. " Oh my god! are you okay?!" She asked. Jess was a little wobbly once on her feet, noticing this Matt placed his hand on her back trying to support her. "Belinski, you good?" Kelly asked. "Yeah, yeah I'm good." She insisted. Jessica then turned back to Brett "Just bruised my ego and my ass." The two laughed to themselves. "You sure your ok?" Matt asked. Jess reassured "Yep, I'm good." He nodded in response and set everyone back to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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