No Accident

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Arriving on the scene for the first time fuelled Jess with Adrenaline. Being able to feel the heat radiating off of the fire from where the rig was parking across the street and the smell of smoke oozing from the ablaze school finally made the last few days of her life sink in. Quickly snapping out of her daze the ambo halted and Jess jumped out and headed over to join the others and await instruction while Brett opened the side door to the ambulance to let Chilli out. "What the hell Brett, I always ride shotgun!" She whined. "Yeah well, Jessica's new and needed a confidence boost." "So, what's that got to do with it," Chilli complained again. Brett rolled her eyes at Chillis childish behaviour, "Get over yourself Chilli," She groaned as she followed Jessica towards the rest of 51 to await instructions. Once again leaving a stunned and now irritated Chilli behind her.

Teenagers started flooding out of the main school building. Jess and Brett jumped into action. "If you have trouble breathing I'm gonna need you to sit down for me" Jess yelled guiding people over towards the other side of the school. Trying her best to deal with the hoards of coughing and spluttering teenagers became overwhelming. "Brett this isn't going to work there's two many." Brett looked up surveying the crowds. "Your right, got anything in mind?" Jess thought for a minute "Actually yes, we need to group them based off of the severity of the injury." "Ok let's do it!" Brett responded before beginning to group all the terrified teenagers. Neither of which noticed the look of jealousy and irritation still present on Chilli's face.

Not long after treating many of the wounded and injured Matt and Kelly came out carrying an almost completely burned women. Her raw flesh exposed to the elements of Chicago's autumn winds
"Bel, Brett" Kelley yelled the three paramedics all Looked up from their work as Jessica and Brett sprang into action Chilli was once again deflated due to essentially being forgotten. Again.

Jess reached for the gurney, pulling it alongside her, following behind Brett towards the two men. They placed the lady on the stretcher and Matt helped the two pull it to the back of the ambulance. Brett Began working on the victim. "We need to intubate." She declared. As Jessica went to retrieve the required equipment when Chilli stepped in forcefully shoving Jess out of the way, on to the floor. "I got it." She said rolling her eyes. "whoa," Jess exclaimed whilst being thrown of balance, landing on her arms with a thud. where as  Chilli remained acting as if she was compliantly oblivious to the situation.
Kelley came around the gurney to help Jessica off of the floor, "You ok?" He asked once she was on her feet again. Jess nodded before patting herself down and responding brightly with "Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Accidents happen. It's cool." The look in Kelley's face showed that he didn't believe it was true lay accidental but before he could protest verbally the two were suddenly disrupted. "Hey, Chief, the fires out." Someone claimed. Boden nodded almost to himself before turning and walking towards one of the teachers in a brown suit. "What's the headcount?" He asked. The teacher scanned the clipboard quickly checking the lists of names. "Everyone's accounted for Chief." Jess let out the breath she didn't know she was holding in whilst listening in to their conversation. Boden nodded. Turning back to the patient Jess was unable to even attempt to assist due to Chilli's insistent attempts to block her from the dying women. "Okay, You're in, let's get her out of here," Chilli announced as Brett loaded the dying women into the rig. Jessica was about to climb in behind when Chilli, once again, blocked her. "Nah ah, you're in the front." She smiled bitter-sweetly before getting in the back. A look of confusion and a bit of hurt flashed across Jesdica's face before it returned to neutral once again.

Then Donna stepped forward, wringing her hands together. "Hey, can I go with you?" She asked Jessica. "yeah, of course" The young paramedic responded nodding subtly. Donna hastily made her way on to the ambulance. " I'll finish up here and meet you at med," Boden shouted to Donna. She turned a look of worry on her face and gave a small wave before Jessica closed the door and made her way to the front and not in the passengers' side. And Ambulance 61 drove off into the distance lights shinning and sirens blaring."

about halfway through the journey, Mrs Wagner crashed. "Chilli, what's going on back there?" Brett asked. "Her hearts failing and her longs are giving out!" " Can you stabilise her?" Brett queried, " Do I need to pull over?" "No no, I've got it." Chilli was desperately trying to reverse the women's deteriorating state but nothing was working. Brett and Jessica finally had enough that's it, I'm pulling over," Brett called. "Jess go," she added once the ambulance had bearly stopped rolling. Jessica launched out of the rig and raced around to the back of the ambulance swinging open the back doors. Jess was able to quickly stabilise the patient only adding to Chillis dislike towards the girl and fuelling her jealousy. The new recruit then returned to her seat as the ambulance speed off once again towards Chicago Med Hospital.

A few hours later ambulance 61 returned to the fire station. Brett turned to Jess and stretched out her hand for a High-five of which Jessica returned with a smile. "You nailed your first call out B." "B?" Jess asked intrigued by the new name " yeah everyone around here give each other nicknames." Brett responded Jess nodded her head once slowly in response as she thought of a name for Brett "Then I'll call you B too!" Jess responded, this time it was Brett's turn to be confused "But then we'll never know who is who!?" Jess smiled "ahh, but we will know cuz I will be our thing so we'll know who is who cuz we'll be the only ones using the nickname." Brett smiled, she liked the idea of finally having a close friend who wasn't being a drama queen like chilli could be. " then that settles it B&B forever!" Brett was beaming by now, and unsurprisingly Chilli was unhappy about their newfound friendship.

Chilli was hurt at the idea that she was being replaced already by the pretty long-haired brunette, grabbing the flask from her locker she tipped her head back pouring its contents into her mouth and downed the rest of the liquid so quickly it burned as it went. She chucked the flask back into the locker, grabbed her bag and slammed the door closed marching out...

1183 words!!!!

I'm sorry to make Chilli the "bad guy" but for this storyline, I need to get her character out of the way and this was the first thing I thought of... I might change it though.

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