First Impressions Are Everything.

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Jessica unpacked her uniform and placed her belongings on the bench opposite her locker, she changed into her uniform, slipped her phone into her back pocket and threw all other belongings in to her bag and threw that into her locker be for closing it and locking the door. Jess tightened her pony tail and walked out to join her new team.


Jess walked down the hall way and turned to face the room she had been asked to greet her new team mates at. It was a large open space with some form of a kitchen at the back, the room reminded her of one of the canteens at her old high school back in Ohio.

Standing at the wide open entrance to the lounge type area Toni coughed as if attempting to dislodge something in her throat, but not quite enough to come across as rude. That was when heads began to turn and the inhabitants of the room noticed Jess's arrival.

" Hey Jess, your here! great!" Casey said "Guys this is Jessica Belinski or Jess for short. Jess this is the team."
Jessica waved to the room and said hi. She looked over all the faces and that's when she heard a mumble from somewhere in the room 'Damn,' it was very faint and almost unheard so Jess discarded the comment as if she hadn't heard it. 'On the couches is, Gabby, Stella, Chilli and Brett the last two of which your locker is in between and are on rig 61 with you." The group and Toni exchanged waves before the blonde at then end spoke up "Hey, come sit over here with us, the ambo squad has to stick together!" She smiled. Jessica was greatfull for the gesture mainly because she felt like she was treading in territory that was marked by someone else. She sat down on one of the adjacent sofas as Matt continued to talk "Anyway this is our fire and our rescue squads," Matt pointed them out as he said their names "The grey haired sarcastic guy is Herman, the dude next to him is Kelly, and on the other side is Mouch. Huddled together over here is Otis and Cruz, Otis is the one who is still regaining function of his jaw so he can pick it up of the floor." There was a snigger through out the room and at the mention of his name the guy whom Jessica understandably assumed to be Otis immediately shuts his mouth. It'd be safe to assume that they were also the ones mumbling earlier. Jess snorted in laughter quietly at the reaction but drew her attention back to Casey as he continued introducing everyone "Next to them is Jimmy," at the mention of this name some People turned their heads away from him while the one who was believed to be Herman and one of presumably his friends gave him a side glance. Jess made a mental note to ask about it later.
"And last but definitely not least,"
" And I should hope not" a voice came from the group of men sat around the main table  and a man in a different white uniform stood up and walked towards Jessica and Casey with a smile on his face, "Is Chief Wallace Boden." Once Boden had reached Jess he stretched out his hand and she stood and shook it " its good to have you on the team Jessica," "good to be here Chief" then both returned to their respective seats and sat down again.

"So where are you from Jess?" Jimmy asked, but again the room got a little bit colder and everyone became a bit ridged. "Well I'm originally from Canton Ohio but I moved here once I finished med school and the OPTC because I got offered a position as a paramedic here at 51."Jessica replied with a smile. Jimmy smiled back looking like he was going to say something else, but Herman interjected "That's a long drive where a-bouts have you set up camp?" He asked
" Umm, On the outskirts of central Chicago," Jess said. Then Brett joined the convention "Well, if you ever need somewhere to crash, we have a few spare bunks here if you ever need somewhere to crash for a night or two." Jessica smiled at the verbal olive branch, "Thanks I'm glad to know that this place has my back."
"Of course your welcome to stay here when ever, and for as long as you'd need to." Casey said reiterating what Brett had said.

Suddenly a voice came over the PA system "squad 3, truck 81, Ambulance 61, Engine 51. School fire, 4538 west school" Boden looked up " That's Donnas school." Brett stood and pulled Jess  of the sofa. "Why don't you come and sit up front with me, that way you can get in on the action!" Jess smiled "Sure I could use an impressive first day," the two started towards the rigg Brett, leaving a slightly stunned Chilli to send a glare Jessica's way before following them. "Let's see what you've got kid." Herman said patting her on the shoulder as he passed, jogging towards the squad 3 truck. Jess climbed in the passengers side next to Brett leaving Chilli to clamber in to the back of 61 before the ambulance sped off blue lights and sirens blearing as they headed towards the first call out of the day.

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