Geonosis - Part One

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Geonosis - 14 Hours post invasion

Gray Team

   The majority of the Republic's troops had returned to their assault ships and were now on their way back to Coruscant. Only a few thousand troops had been left behind. Most of whom were engaged in clean up operations.

  Zero-Five was one of those who'd been left behind. A gunship pilot, he had been tasked with ferrying supplies to and from the planet, though his last haul had actually been the bodies of about a dozen fallen troopers. It had taken over an hour to scrub the blood off the cabin floor after that one.

  His current haul was much more lively though. Four Republic commandos, dressed in black armor. A stark contrast to the white armor worn by most clone troopers.

Zero-Five had heard about how good these commandos were supposed to be, even back on Kamino, before the invasion. He hoped that even a tenth of that would turn out to be true.

  A red beam of light flashed off to the left of the gunship, missing it completely, but making his stomach churn.  It was turbo laser fire, from somewhere on the surface. He reached up and flipped off the running lights. All it would take is one lucky shot to bring down the gunship. He would land the gunship down in the dark. 

  "I thought the enemy had been cleared from this area," said the leader of the commando team.

"Apparently not all of them," said Zero-Five. "Looks sporadic and light. Still, that's a turbo laser battery. Not something I wanna mess around with."

  The commando said nothing.

LZ Garden came into view. A flat stretch of Geonosian ground that had been cleared and painted with a red cross. It was going to be a tight squeeze. There was a destroyed AT-TE just on the edge of the landing pad. The turret was pushed away, but it was still too close for his liking. He guided the ship down slowly and laid it on the pad.

  The troopers on the ground were already fixing to load up another group of bodies for him to carry back. He sighed, watching the commandos as they departed. He really hoped they were as good as the rumors said. He didn't know if he could do this for the entire war.

   Commander Phi had been on the ground since the battle had begun. It was a lot quieter now. There was some sporadic blaster fire off in the distance, but it was nothing like what he'd heard earlier.

  He couldn't wait to get back to the assault ship and take a nice, long, hot shower. But first, he had one last objective before he and his men could leave. The recently arrived commando team needed to reach the spire that stood nearby.

 Phi shuddered at the thought of going back inside that place. He and his men had spent hours clearing every single floor and he was certain he was going to have nightmares about the things he'd seen. The Geonosians were a particularly nasty race. If he never saw another one of them again, it would still be too soon.

  Phi and his men had cleared each floor, starting from the bottom floor and working their way up. They hadn't touched the tunnels underneath. That's where the Commandos were going.

  Phi didn't envy them in the slightest.

"Welcome to Geonosis. The rear end of the galaxy."

"What's the current situation inside the spire?" asked the lead commando.

  Phi's HUD designated him as Theta Seven Seven. There was no other information available.

"The uppers floors are clear, for now at least, but we never touched the tunnels. Don't know what's down there or where they go. I lost a lot of good men though."

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