4.puppy cafe

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Daniel pov

I watched as namjoon cook lunch.then the pot caught on fire.

"Oh shit!"he said.he grabbed the fire extinguisher from the closet.He put out the fire.

"Are you sure you not a danger to others?"

"I am sure danny."

"But Joonie,that the fifth pot you burnt this week."

"I am just bad at cooking."said namjoon

"But you broke the lamp when trying turn it on and broke a my shoelaces when trying tie them and broke-

"Okay.i get it danny.i destroy everything I touch."he said.he chuckled.i could see the sadness in his eyes when he was say it even though he trying make it a joke.

"Joonie don't be sad!you like superhero who can't control their power."namjoon looked confused.

"Thanks?"he said.

"You welcome!"

"Get dress.we going out for breakfast."

"No.everytime we go out.i have to wear that stupid sunglasses and mask.i don't like it."i pouted.for the last two weeks anytime we went outside namjoon made me wear a bucket hat,big sunglasses and mouth mask but he didn't have to.it was unfair.Namjoon started at me for few minutes.

"You don't have to wear it if you don't want to."

"Yay!"then i went to namjoon room and got dressed.namjoon told when he cleans out the other bedroom that will be my room.but I am enjoying cuddling with namjoon when we sleep.so I am not rush to get my own room.then i went to living room.namjoon grabbed his keys.we was about to leave when I saw namjoon phone at the couch.i ran and got it for him.

"Thank you."i nodded.then we left apartment and ended up at a puppy cafe.the cafe was had small dogs walking around.i petted a the puppy as namjoon ordered for us.

"I have a dog too."said namjoon.

"Really?"i asked with excitement.namjoon smiled at me.

"Yeah.he lives with my parents.his name is rapmon."he said.

"He is small or big?"

"Um he is small dog."he said.my eyes widened with amazement.

"That's so cool!"namjoon laughed.

"You get fascinated so easily.its adorable."he said.

"What's fascinated?"i asked with a tilted head.

"It means draw irresistibly the attention and interest of."he said.

"Huh?"i was still confused.

"It's means you think a lot stuff is cool."he said.

"Oh!"i nodded.then our food came.

Namjoon pov

"No!"said Daniel.he continued to play with his toys on the floor.

"Danny,you can play after you take a nap."

"No nap Joonie."he said.he folded his arms.i sighed.i started giving him a nap time yesterday.he doesn't like it.but it helps me get my work done.

"No.not sleepy."he said.i started rocking him in my arms.

"Joonie.i am not-

"Ssh."he pouted.

"You want to cuddle?"he nodded excitedly.why doesn't this kid love cuddling so much?we went to my room.we laid in bed and cuddled.i waited until he fell asleep.i careful place him on the bed.then i went to my desk.i started working songs.then my phone started vibrating like crazy.i stop writing.i checked my phone.it was the groupchat

Jin:*link to article*
Jk:we have a dog cage?!!
H:Aw that's cute father and son picture!
Tae:Hobi Hyung they blurred out danny face.how is that a cute picture?
S:actually on Twitter the fans unblur it.
Jm:Damn.army is good.

I clicked on the link.it was article Speculations about me having girlfriend and how danny was love child.i texted bang pd nim.

N:can you release a about danny but without a lot details about him?

I went back to focusing on my songs.then my phone vibrated.it was a Twitter notification from bighit.i clicked on it.


Namjoon confirms he does have adopted son.we will keep you updated when we get all the information.


I tired not laugh.the company did a whole background check on daniel.they know everything about him.i still little to nothing about him because I want daniel to tell him about his life before he got adopted.i looked at Daniel who sucking on his two middle fingers while sleeping.i smiled.

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