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Daniel pov

Namjoon and me was watching tv in his room.we was watching the magic school bus.

"Joonie,so every school bus do that?!?"namjoon chuckled.

"No,little one."he said while looking up from his phone.

"Can I ride in a school bus?!?"

"Um you can.i guess."he said with shrug.

"I want to go to school!"namjoon smiled.

"Little one,school doesn't start until few months from now."he said.i nodded.

"What's a month?"

"It's period of time that is total of 30 days."he said.i nodded.then i looked at his phone.he was scrolling down twitter.

"What's that?"

"Social media.it only for grown ups."he said.

"It's a game?"

"No.but you want to play with the filters?"he asked.he went to Snapchat.it put the puppy filter on us.he took a selfie.

"Cute."he said.then we tried the different filters.i like the stars crown filter.then his phone rang and interrupted our selfies.he answered it.

"Hello?.....um.email it to me.....meet me in the studio in 10 mins."he said.then he hanged up.

"Get dressed."he said.

"No!i want to stay home."i pouted.he rubbed my back.

"I know little one but jungkook needs my help.it won't take long."he said.


We were at the studio for three hours already.jungkook and namjoon was talking about a song for three hours.i got bored.i left the room.i heard a puppy barking.i follow the noise to a lounge room.taehyung and jimin was playing a puppy.

"Puppy!"i ran to the puppy and pet it.

"Danny?"said taehyung

"Where namjoon?"asked jimin.

"He is busy.whats the puppy name?"i asked as I petted the puppy fur.

"Yeontan."said taehyung

"Cute."i pick the puppy up.

"Danny,what is namjoon busy with?"asked jimin.

"Boring stuff."

"You wander off didn't you."said taehyung.


"I am calling namjoon."said jimin.

"No!"i snatched his phone out his hand.then taehyung snatched the phone out of my hand.i stomping his foot.then i ran out the room.taehyung and jimin chase me around the building.Then I was caught by yoongi.

"What's going on?"asked yoongi.taehyung and jimin was out of breath.

"Nothing!"i tried you get my arm out of yoongi hold.

"Danny wander off and doesn't want to go back namjoon."said jimin.

"Why not?"asked yoongi to me.

"It's boring!"

"Namjoon is on his way here.apparently he was looking for him too."said taehyung while looking at his phone.

"First You shouldn't be running in the building.and second you probably got namjoon worry sick!and you two should had immediately informed namjoon where danny at!"said yoongi.taehyung and jimin nodded.

"Oh shit!tannie!"said taehyung.he took off running back to the room where he left his dog.

"No running in the building."said yoongi.

"Jimin,i got some water bottles in my fridge in my studio.if you want one."said yoongi.we went into his studio.jimin got a water bottle.i looked around the studio when namjoon showed up.he looked relieved when he saw me.

"Let's go."he said.we left the building and went to the car.the whole ride home was silent.the radio wasn't even playing.when we got home namjoon took me to living room.

"If you wanted to leave.you should had told me."he said.

"But you was busy."

"I am never too busy for you okay?"he said.he ruffled my hair. I nodded.

"It's not safe for you to going place by yourself.you could had got lost or injured."he said.i nodded.

"Now you want a snack?"he asked.i got confused.normally when my parents scold me they would punished me after I get scolded.

"No punishment?"

"I think you learn your lesson."he said.i nodded.

"Cookie please!"

"I said snack not sweet."

"Pb and j sandwich."he nodded.we went to the kitchen.

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