Chapter 1: A Helping Hand...?

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"Don't worry, Luigi. I'm not gonna capture you," King Boo told Luigi. Luigi was still terrified as usual, but yet he felt like he could trust him. He was just sitting on the ground, staring at him, with the look of terror in his eyes. His heart was pounding fast from fear. He was breathing heavy.

King Boo offered his hand to Luigi. Luigi took it and was brought up to his feet. He let Luigi go. "Are you alright? It seemed like you hit your head from that fall," King Boo was concerned about Luigi. "O-Oh y-y-yeah..." Luigi answered, unsure what he was supposed to say, do, or even feel about this situation.

King Boo sighed softly. "Alright. Come, now. There's something I need to show you." Luigi followed King Boo to the garage. He was slightly surprise to see E Gadd's car there. "Is- is that E Gadd's car?" He asked King Boo. "Yes, it is. And there's something in it that'll be useful for you."

Luigi was still confused why King Boo all of sudden started to help. Especially after he captured him twice, now. "Go ahead and open it," he told Luigi. Luigi opened the truck and found the Poltergeist G-00. He grabbed it and put it on, like a backpack. He was geared up, but not quite ready yet.

Polterpup came up from the floor, ready to teach Luigi some tricks of the G-00. "Go ahead and try it out, Luigi," said King Boo. Luigi nodded, and let his ghost puppy to coach him. King Boo backed up a bit to give him some room.

Luigi got the basics down, and now it was time for him to learn a new move. Polterpup barked, "Now use the blow and suck at the same time, Luigi." Luigi did as told and was sent to the air. "Whoa!" He exclaimed, as he went back to the ground. He made sure he still had his hat from that new move.

"Comfortable with what you learned?" Polterpup barked, asking Luigi. "Yeah, that new move is gonna be fun to use!" Luigi answered. King Boo smiled while he was watching them. "Heh heh. He sounds like he's having fun," King Boo thought to himself. He flew back to them. "Ready to go and save your friends, Luigi?" He asked him. Luigi turn to look at King Boo in his eyes. "Yup! Let's-a go!" That made King Boo to laugh. "Alright, let's go."

Once they got back up to the 1st floor, Luigi looked around, seeing how the hotel was all spooky and dark now. He turned to see the entrance, where two blue ghosts were boarding it up, making it where he couldn't leave. One of them noticed Luigi and gave him a jumpscare, causing him to scream and shiver in fear.

Polterpup appeared near Luigi and the ghost. "Flash him, Luigi!" He barked. Luigi did as that, then started to suck him up. "Press the SLAM! button!" He barked again. Luigi did as told, causing the ghost to be slammed on to the floor back and forward. He successfully captured him!

But his job wasn't done, yet. The other blue ghost was watching from the top of the balcony. And he wasn't happy. He whistled to call for his buddy for help. He flew down to Luigi with his friend, ready to stop Luigi.

But Luigi flashed both of them at the same time, and started to suck both of them. When it was time, he slammed both of them back and forward to the ground, successfully. They were cleared of threatening ghosts, for now.

Luigi was panting. He wasn't used to all of that crazy work out. King Boo picked him up and hold him. "Are you okay, Luigi? That seemed to worn you out." "Yeah, I'll be okay..." Luigi noticed something different about King Boo that he didn't notice before...

"Umm King Boo?" "Yes, Luigi?" "Uhh how do I ask you this...? About your crown... Is it invisible or something...?" Luigi asked him. King Boo sighed. "Actually... Helen has my crown... My new crown." "Is that why you're helping me? To get it back?" "Yes. And besides, I want her gone anyway." Luigi gave him a questioning look. "Well... She's the most annoying fangirl I've ever met. The ONLY fangirl I've ever met, actually..." Luigi was more confused. "Why did she took your crown?" "Because she and I had an argument... And she got really angry and decided try to "prove" me that she's worth to keep and I should have her..." King Boo really hated her.

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