Chapter 5: The KILL

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King Boo, Luigi, and the Boos made it to the first floor, but they were almost too late. A ghost was sucking up his other Boos.

"Help! We're getting sucked!!" They called for help. King Boo remembered Gooigi. "Gooigi! See that ghost with 5000? Stun them!" He ordered. Gooigi did as told and started to suck the ghost. A Boo took the 5000 off of the ghost quickly before Gooigi could slam them.

"Here. I don't know how to use this." He gave King Boo the 5000. King Boo put it on and started to free his Boos. "King Boo?! You saved us!" "Oh good we're saved!" "I didn't wanna be in a painting!" They were chatting as usual.

Polterpup saw King Boo as he was sucking Helen. He smiled and continued to kill her. "No one, and I mean no one, messes with my family and GETS AWAY WITH IT!"

King Boo and Gooigi joined in with Polterpup. "We need to get the G-00 away from her!" Polterpup told them. "How are we gonna do that?" King Boo asked. Polterpup thought for a moment. He then got an idea. "You two, whatever you do, don't stop! Boos, get ready! I'm gonna release her real quick!" King Boo and Gooigi kept on sucking her.

Polterpup waited for the right moment. "NOW!!" He stopped the KILL and the Boos took the G-00 off of Helen. They quickly got away before Polterpup could rejoin. "Nice job! Now give it to Luigi!" The Boos put the G-00 on Luigi.

Luigi woke up, and quickly joined with the rest. With the power of four different Poltergeist, Helen was done for, right?

Nope! She was somehow able to break free. She laughed really hard. "You four thought you could defeat me?!" She asked. "You're almost defeated! One more good suck, and you're dead!" Polterpup told her.

"Oh, just you wait! I just happened to have a few tricks up in my sleeves!" The four of them were confused. Tricks? What tricks?

But the next thing they knew, Helen used what's left of her powers to trap them in a cage that's unbreakable. Only her death is the way they'll be free. And none of their Poltergeist would work. Even the Boos were in the cage as well.

"Have fun being trap forever!" Helen laughed evilly as she left. "That lady! Don't worry, guys. E Gadd and Toad will help us," Polterpup said, as he turned to see his owner, Luigi, crying. "Luigi?" He walked to him, sitting down next to him.

"Luigi? What's wrong?" Polterpup asked him. "I'm scared..." Luigi struggled to tell him. King Boo picked both of them up and carried them. Polterpup started to wipe Luigi's tears away. He hated to see his owner like this, even though he knows that's he's usually like this.

Gooigi even joined in. "We're all here for you, Luigi," Gooigi spoke. They were surprised. "Did you just... Speak, Gooigi?" Luigi asked him. "Yes I did. I barely talk though, only when it's necessary," he explained.

"King Boo, your highness?" Booshi flew to him. He looked up to him. "Yes, Booshi?" "This may be a bad time to ask you this... But... Umm..." He hesitated to ask him his question. "It's okay, Booshi. Take your time." King Boo knew that Booshi was one of the most sensitive Boos he has ever met.

"Are you and Luigi dating...?" He finally asked King Boo. "Yes, we are. I'm sure everyone else is confused about all of this, but it's true. We are." He looked down at Luigi, seeing how he was blushing and smiling. King Boo blushed and smiled.


"I found it!" "What did you find?" Toad asked. E Gadd refieved a Poltergeist. "Okay, seriously. How many did you need to make?" "Apparently alot for a time like this. Anyway, this is the first Poltergeist that I made, the 3000. But I added a few things, so it kinda acts exactly like the 5000. The only difference is that this one is weaker," E Gadd explained.

"Is it strong enough to finish Helen off?" Toad asked. "I sure hope so at this point." "Me too..."


Luigi and King Boo were both feeling like they needed to do something and have to happen now. They closed their eyes and and slowly touched each other's lips, kissing each other. Polterpup jumped up and down, happy for Luigi, and also fanboying. (Fandogging? Since he's actually a dog? Whatever...)

Gooigi gave them a thumbs up, supporting them. The Boos watched, as they flew all over the place, happy for their King.

King Boo kept holding Luigi in his Boo-ly embrace, continuing kissing him. Luigi was hugging King Boo while they were kissing. "This is really nice. I wish we could have moments like this, but not trapped," Luigi told King Boo in his mind. "And we will, my Green Flower. We will." "I love you, King Boo." "I love you too, my little Luigi."


"Everything all set, Toad?" "Yup!" "Great! Now we wait." Toad and E Gadd were setting up something for Helen. She had no idea what they were planning.

Soon, Helen arrived, but she then triggered something. A flash went off, stunning her, and then a Poltergeist, KILL 2.0, was starting to suck her up. "What?! No! This isn't supposed to happen!!" She tried to escape... But failed this time. This time, she was dead for good.

E Gadd turned it off. "That was awesome! We did it!" Toad celebrated. "Our work is not done, yet." "Oh, right! We gotta free Mario and the others!"

They both took the elevator to go to the first floor, where the others are. The trap has been lifted. Luigi saw E Gadd and Toad. "Hey, guys!" He ran up to them and hugged them. Polterpup and King Boo followed and did the same. Gooigi was actually back in the G-00.

"Is it finally over? Are we in peace now?" "No more wars?" The Boos had a lot of questions about their future. Luigi and King Boo were happy to announce, "There will be no more wars. Only peace remains for both sides." The Boos cheered.

"Umm, Luigi?" "Yes, Toad?" "Are you Forgetting something...?" Toad asked him. Luigi thought for a moment. "I honestly don't know what am I forgetting..." "Do you remember having a brother?" "I have a brother...?" "That painting... That did erased some of your memories..." "Ohh..."

Luigi looked down at Toad, upset. "I think so. I was trapped in a painting that erased some of my memories, permanently..." He told him. "Oh, that's not good." "I know... But could you tell me what am I forgetting...?" "Mario is your older brother, Peach is the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, and Yellow Toad and Blue Toad are your friends."

Luigi nodded. "Do you know where they are?" "They're most likely trapped in a painting, on the upper floors of this hotel."

Just as Toad said that, the elevator went ding! and some people came out of it. "Luigi! Brother!" Mario ran up to him, hugging him. "Mario... Right? And the princess is Peach, and there's the Yellow Toad and Blue Toad," Luigi pointed out, making sure he was getting everyone's name's right.

Mario was very concerned. "Is everything ok, Luigi? You're acting like you don't remember me or our friends..." "Umm that's the thing. Helen trapped me into a painting that erases memories permanently. I lost some of mine..." Luigi looked down, disappointed.

Mario seemed upset about what happened to his younger brother. "It's okay, Luigi. I'll remember everything for you," Mario told him. "Okay, Mario." He noticed something different about Luigi. "Hey, Luigi. I don't remember you having a flower crown." "O-Oh! King Boo actually made me one. He made himself one, too. These green flowers are actually very special, and their powers only with true love," Luigi explained.

"It's true!" Polterpup told Mario. "Whoa, Polterpup! You've changed!" Polterpup laughed a bit. "It's only temporary. I had to use a potion that turned me into a human." "Ah, okay. Wow. A lot has changed over night, literally."

Everyone laughed at Mario's comment, even Mario himself. When everyone has settled down, Luigi was getting sleepy. He was very tired after one crazy night he went through.

King Boo carried Luigi, letting him to sleep on him. He gave Luigi a good night kiss. "Good night, Green Flower." "Good night, King Boo..." Luigi drifted off to sleep...

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