Chapter 11: The Marriage (final chapter)

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Months have passed and Luigi and King Boo were now deeply in love, closer than ever. They both were currently cuddling with each other in bed. Luigi fell asleep in King Boo's boo arms.

But unfortunately, Luigi did sometimes get nightmares about Daisy coming back and killing King Boo. This is was so bad that he woke up screaming "King Boo!!" at the top of his lungs, crying. King Boo woke up from it. "Luigi? Green Flower?" He noticed that he was crying, and he pulled him into a hug. "I'm here, Luigi. I'm here. Shh... Shh... It's okay... Let it out... Just let it all out..."

Luigi hugged him back while crying in his boo body. "I had a nightmare... About you getting killed by Daisy again... But this time... She killed me as well..." He told King Boo in his mind. King Boo rubbed Luigi's back gently and petted his hair. He gave him little kisses on top of his head. "It's going to be okay, my little Green Flower. Daisy is not coming back. No one will harm or even kill you. And definitely no one is gonna kill me, because, well, I'm already dead... Undead actually..."

Luigi smiled a little bit. "Heh heh, yeah... You're right about that..." It wasn't long when Mario, Polterpup, and Gooigi came into their room in a hurry. "Luigi! Are you okay? You were screaming!" Polterpup was worry sick. Luigi looked up to see the gang. "He woke up from a nightmare again... But this time it's worse," King Boo explained to them.

The gang immediately went up to Luigi and hugged him. They all did a group hug. "Do you want to talk about it, little brother?" Mario asked him. "It was about her and King Boo again, but this time, I died after King Boo..." Luigi was shedding tears. The gang kept on comforting Luigi.

After a while, Luigi calmed down alot, but he didn't want to go back to sleep. "Can we stay up a bit longer...?" He asked them shyly. "Of course, Luigi. Anything for you," King Boo respond. Luigi seemed happy with his response. "Thank you." "You're welcome, Luigi," Polterpup said to him.


The gang made Luigi some green flower cookies with hot chocolate to go with it. Luigi chose a comedy movie to watch with them. They got settled on the couch, with Luigi in King Boo's boo arms.

During the movie, Gooigi and Polterpup have fallen asleep on top of Mario. Soon, Mario fell asleep with them. Luigi and King Boo were the only ones up, watching the movie.

"King Boo...?" "Yes, Luigi?" "Will we get married...?" Luigi almost hesitated to ask him. King Boo smiled, kissed him on his forehead, and said, "Of course, my Green Flower. One day, we will. I promise." Luigi smiled and hugged him. "Thank you, King Boo." King Boo hugged him back. "You're welcome, my little Green Flower."


Few years went by, and Luigi and King Boo were in the forest at night, sitting by a waterfall in the green flowers. The sky was clear, filled with stars shining. Nature sounds were peaceful, even the waterfall itself.

Luigi nuzzled up to King Boo. "I love you, King Boo." He kissed Luigi on his cheek. "I love you too, Green Flower." Luigi curled up, staying in King Boo's embrace. It was a bit chilly on that night, but Luigi was warm in King Boo's boo arms.

Some time later, King Boo helped Luigi up. "What's going on, King Boo?" Luigi asked him. "I want to tell you something important... There's an important question that I want to ask you tonight." Luigi let him to tell and ask him whatever was important.

"Luigi, you may not remember this very well, but when we first met, I thought you were the same as other mortals, like E Gadd back then. But after both of our encounters, I've come to realize that you're not like him. You're nothing like any of mortals that I've ever met...

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