36 | Love Versus Loyalty

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A groan escapes Derek's lips when he wakes up. His vision, still clouded by bright light, blinks into focus as he forces himself to sit up. Grunts echo through the building he finds himself in—large, spacious, and full of sweat. A boxing ring stands in the center with unconscious bodies surrounding it along with a few vampires nursing broken bones.

"Is that all you got?" Lexi's voice echoes through the gym.

"Lexi?" Derek breathes. He struggles to his feet to watch Lexi lean against the boxing ring clad in a sports bra and shorts with wrappings around her palms.

She watches the last few vampires drag their friends away, leaving her alone in the gym. "Your loss," she calls after them. As she rewraps her hands, Derek finds himself staring at her.

"Lexi, what happened?" He asks. She does not react. "Lexi!"

"You got time for one more?"

Lexi looks up with a frown as Klaus walks into the gym. She rolls her eyes at him and purses her lips. "Congratulations on your new status, you majesty," Lexi says. "Seems Marcel didn't have it in him to kill you."

"Oh, don't you worry," Klaus says as he steps up to the ring. "Marcel is exactly where he belongs. You, however, are here?"

She nods. "I thought it would be a good use of my time to kick everyone's ass," she replies with a sarcastic grin. "Marcel's men are terribly trained. I almost felt bad. It was like taking candy from children."

Klaus runs his hand along the stretchy rope. "I've called Elijah and Rebekah here."

"Great," Lexi rolls her eyes. "Lovely."

"You know, if you roll your eyes anymore, they might just get stuck," Klaus says.

She rolls her eyes again. "Better?"

He sighs as she shakes out her right arm, trying to stop the tremor in her hand. "That from Tyler's bite?" He asks, swinging himself into the ring. "Elijah told me before he accused me of using my child to create more hybrids."

"Did you know?" Lexi asks. "I figured there was a 50/50 shot." She narrows her eyes at his expression. "Judging by your glare, I assume you did not. Good. Proved me wrong."

He shakes his head. "She is my child."

"You dagger your siblings," Lexi replies. "Is it that far off to assume you may or may not use your child? After everything you've done to us?"

Klaus glances away.

"Besides," Lexi sighs. "you know we are loyal to you. We know we cannot beat you."

"Which is why I've come." He steps up to her as she grabs a bottle of water from the side of the ring. "Hayley has been asking for...some vitamins?"

"Prenatal vitamins?" Lexi asks. "Yes. Just take her to any store and let her pick it out. Now, if that's all—"

"I'll cut right to the chase, then," he says. Lexi clenches her jaw. "I want you to return to our home and take over protecting Hayley. I have a city to run, and I do not have the time to take care of her."

Lexi squints at him. "Are you joking?" She scoffs. "This is the woman carrying your child. You don't have time for her?"

He shrugs. "This is what I brought you here for."

Lexi shakes her head. "Figure it out yourself." She pushes past him, bumping his shoulder.

"I'll fight you for it."

Lexi pauses at the edge of the ring. She glances down, her eyes meeting Derek's. For a moment, he thinks she can actually see him. "What's in it for me?" She asks.

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