2) I realize how gay I really am

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Reyna's P.O.V
Centrion Gondola let's me know that a Hunter of Artemis is in our infirmary. I immediately run over hoping that it's Thalia. Her electric blue eye's are ever so distracting. I'm never able to take my eye's off her. I was so lost in thought that I don't realize that I ran all the way to the infirmary. When I get inside I see her. She looks so peaceful asleep. I then notice the cuts on her face, and how her left ankle is wrapped. I grab a chair to pull up beside her. I sit down in the ever so stiff chair. I look at her face in more detail this time. You can see the pain wriddled in the small wrinkle by her nose. She must be having a nightmare. Everyone is having them more often after the war with Gaia. I grab her hand. " You're safe now," I mutter to her, and I can see her face relax. My heart hurts to think of what she has gone through to get here. I hear faint steps approach me. I wipp my head around to see Hazel standing there. " Reyna stop being gay. We got a new guy who just showed up," Hazel grumbles. I know shes not mad it's just shes tired. You see 2 nights ago she kinda broke her arm in war games and shes feels useless right now.
Flash Back:
Hazel ran. She ran harder than I have ever seen her run. She's trying to penetrate blue team walls first. " HAZEL DUCK," I scream. But it's to late she got caught in an explosion. The smoke is thiccer than a snicker. And it's as suffocating as Aunt Cathy's farts. First thing it clears I rush over. It's obvious that she has severely broken her right arm in 2 different places. Once at the elbow and another right above her wrist. The bigger worry is war games don't stop for anyone. I pick her up bridal style to rush her to the infirmary.
End Flash Back
" Can you see if Frank can handle it this time," I wonder out loud. " Sure I guess. Well have fun being gay. Mabey you'll have a chance," She mutters the last part but I was still able to hear it.

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