red ropes

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tw-- kinky smut, aged up around 5 years (so Tenya isn't a child.  they are consenting adults)


a snarl marred his face, twisting it violently in a gross expression of rage and unhindered violence. the boosters in his legs roared to life as he shot up into the  air, bending his leg and feeling it connect with blood, flesh and bone. under his screaming he felt ribs snap and wet red liquid cover his shins.

in the corner of his eye he saw deku power up and launch himself fist first at Stain. his face twisted one way from the force of Midoryia's punch and his body twisted another from the force of his kick.

Weeks later he was released from hospital, legs finally healed from overheating during the dreadful fight, burns tightly wrapped under clean clinical cotton.

he decided to take his freshly healed engines for a spin again and he felt them splutter to life after weeks of rest. gently gliding along the streets he bumped face first into stain, apparently healed also after being beaten badly during their last encounter. at once  they both jumped into fighting stance, knives out and engines screaming. 

''no use in fighting, since we already know how that will go.'' commented stain, who retracted his knives into their sheathes and held his hand out in a friendly gesture, the other hand scratching his neck coyly.

iida was suspicious but decided to follow along to a near coffee shop. inside stain ordered a latte and iida orderd an espresso.

they laughed and talked for hours and hours, until the shop had to close. stain then offered Iida his hand again and said

''wanna come back home with me?''

shyly Iida took his hand and they flew over the rooftops to a small artists apartment. inside it had a gorgeous view of the city with windows on 2 of the 4 walls. on one of the other walls there was an impressive array of knives ranging from beautifully ornate miniature daggers to impressive steel long-swords. on the ceiling there was an oddly placed hook and lights built into the ceiling. 

stain had red rope held in one hand, looking seductively at iida, and before you could say one for all, stain had iida pressed aginst the wall. he wrapped the rope around his wrists and tied it in intricate knots, leaving a loop at the top, which he promptly yanked over to the hook on the ceiling. 

as iida was hoisted over the hook, hanging by his arms. from the wall of weapons stain chose a small dagger and gently nicked the edge of iida's collarbone, licking the blood up gently. above him iida moaned loudly inspite of himself, and his member pressed against his jeans rather quickly, much faster than when he did it to himself.

he felt himself freeze up as stain's quirk took effect

''look at you. the great tenya iida frozen, helpless and hard infront of the poor little anti-hero, he hurt so badly a few weeks ago.''

eyes wide open, iida moaned at the abuse, it made him leak. stain then unzipped his pants and removed the aching member from its jeaned prison, making tenya whimper in ferocious delight. stain himself slowly released his own growing excitement. it was thick, like a cucumber, and about the same length with a tanned complexion and a beautifully tinted head. iida whined out just at the sight.

with another length of red rope he lifted one leg after removing the offending articles of clothing and tied it so it was attached to his firm behind, then suspending it from the same hook he was hanging from. he gently dripped cold lube over iida's ass and massaged it into the tight ring of muscle. with his other hand, he forced three fingers into iida's mouth and in a deep husky growl commanded ''suck.'' he then slipped one digit inside. crooking it over and over again, he searched for iida's sweet spot, the spot that would make him cry out in frenzied pleasure. as iida screamed out, he knew he had struck gold. 

knowing that the effects of the quirk would wear off soon, he took the opportunity to leave some marks over his chest and happy trail, at the same time moving from one digit to three while paying equal attention to his red, weeping staff. 

now the effects had worn off and iida was free to moan and squirm as much as he liked, which he indeed began to do.

facing the skyline in such a prominent position, all his assets on display, made his legs tremble in arousal. his member twitched excitedly as he felt the tip of a moist tongue enter his pulsating love cavern, his eyes suddenly rolling back as he reached his climax cum painting his chest, the window and the now shiny floor. 

he felt butterfly kisses up the small of his back to the nape of his neck. stain let out a cruel laugh into his ear as he pried open iida's tender cheeks and rammed his titan into his hole. iida's mouth shot open, but the sound had caught in his throat as he felt himself be filled by the stallion that stain was. his limp member twitched again in fiery exhilaration. his hair was a mess. his skin was coated in a thin layer of sweat mixed with ejaculate.  stain spoke harshly once more, but this time with a sense of tenderness 'i think the great hero needs a break.' a soft smile spread across stain's face as he pecked iida's lips, his hands travelling up the other's chest, feeling every crevice of the hero's toned body, pinching as he got to the man's perked buds.

meanwhile outside, izuku midoriya, a hero once familiar with iida in his ua days, landed upon the balcony of the lovers' apartment. he was locked in mortal combat with a rising villain, but had not noticed the pair inside. he dealt the final blow to the villain, rendering her unconscious. Turning to apologise to whomever owned the apartment, he had locked eyes with an old school friend, just as he was releasing his final orgasm. deku, in a state of shock, stumbled backwards and attempted to shield his eyes. 

"i-iida-kun?!" he stammered. iida did not seem too bothered as he was already preoccupied with the bladed lover positioned behind him. by this point, midoriya had managed to trip over himself, launching himself off the balcony to be caught by mt lady and carried off whilst still frazzled by the encounter.

stain, looking at the exhausted iida, whose organs were now graciously rearranged, chuckled to himself and unhooked iida, untying him in the process. he carried iida's limp body over to the large bed and set him down, laying his head head upon his chest, kissing forehead and slowly drifting off to sleep.


a/n - im so sorry. this is my first fanfiction/smut. hope you enjoyed,,, this.

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