
584 9 2

warnings: nsfw, angst (lol), mentions of blood, anxiety and panic attacks

in their shared apartment they had an office. and not the new modern-age white offices, it was an old style office. dark-coloured wood furniture, leatherbound books from ceiling to floor and a large mahogany table in the centre of the room. it had behind it a large armchair made of soft and supple leather. it was in this armchair that stain was sat doing research for his next solo mission. iida walked into the room...

... he leaned against the door wearing nothing but a see-through dressing gown and 4 inch heels. "whoa." muttered stain, his eyes shooting up from his now scattered work. iida strutted slowly up to his lover, as stain pushed back his chair. iida then sank to his knees and made fierce eye contact with him whilst simultaneously unzipping stain's flyer with his teeth. he then manoeuvred stain's stiffening member out of his underpants and immediately devoured it. stain was amused by iida's attempt at dominating him, but allowed him to proceed anyways. 

after a little bit of iida's persistent pleasurings, stain started to feel the effects. he was unfamiliar with being on the receiving end, as he was usually the one making others feel good. he decided to take control like always by grabbing iida's blue hair and tugging him away. he was more experienced, after all. he forced the younger upon the table and licked his own fingers. he lifted up iida's dressing gown and inserted one, then two and finally three digits. he curled them in unison and iida cried out, as stain had hit the good spot. stain smiled and thrusted in deeper, this time with more gusto. iida moaned out in thrill. it felt good to satisfy others. with his free hand, he grasped the custom-made device that he had ordered shortly after his first encounter with iida. it was a surprise tool that would come in handy later.

as his eyes darted back to iida, he noticed that he was reaching out for the sharp letter opener across the table. he was obviously struggling to grab it when he was already being penetrated by stain's cold fingers. "do i have to do everything around here?" stain said whilst reaching over to grab the letter opener. 

"we haven't done this in a while" stain snarled as he slashed iida's shoulder swiftly, lapping up the trickling blood momentarily. iida's breath hitched in his throat and his eyes widened. his joints stiffened almost instantly. he was completely powerless now. the older one chuckled softly and striked the hero's soft cheeks. iida whined in delight. stain could wait no longer. it was irresistible.

stain hastily spat on his hand and massaged the saliva into iida's trembling ass as a show of his ownership. he grabbed his dick eagerly and pushed it far in and began to thrust in and out. vibrations rolled through his body. it was electrifying. there was never something more thrilling than doing something so forbidden. loud moans coming from both the hero and villain hung in the air. stain temporarily paced himself as he pulled out his new toy - a bright red vibrator. after wiping sweat from his forehead, he switched it on and placed it carefully upon iida's staff. the younger one was gripping onto the edge of the table in order to stop himself from squirming. it felt so good.

in the frenzied mix of moans and buzzing, the two lovers had never noticed the sound of the front door opening. denki scuttled inside whilst being closely followed by bakugo and kirishima, who had starkly protested against walking into iida's house so suddenly. denki chuckled and threw the spare key (that he stole) upon the counter near the front door. iida had never told his friends of his secret relationship with the villain and never planned on revealing it any time soon. 

"i'm here bitch!" denki said in a sing-song voice. there was no response. considering that iida's patrol was over, he should have been home by now. "maybe he's in his office?" he whispered to the men behind him. bakugo's face was red with rage. "go look for yourself pikachu. i'm not getting involved in this." he snarled through gritted teeth. denki, brushing off the insult from bakugo slowly made his way to the office at the end of the hallway. the door was slightly ajar and movement could be detected inside. denki saw this as the perfect opportunity to scare iida and waved kirishima and bakugo over so they could watch. 

"f-fuck me harder-"

denki's face turned beet red. he wheezed silently in amusement. was he getting pranked instead? he whipped his head round to bakugo and kirishima who stood closely behind. they had heard the voice too. the three of them were now becoming curious. what was going on in there? 

a loud thud from the inside diverted their attention once more. 

"i'm going inside." denki announced, extending his arm to grasp the brass doorhandle. bakugo tried to stop him but it was too late - denki had already swung the door open at full force to reveal what was inside. "yah--!" he screamed. he recoiled back in horror as his eyes met those of two very different individuals. their position was particularly compromising (to say the least). iida was being held from behind with two of stain's fingers in his mouth. his face was red and coated in hot sweat that stuck his long blue hair to his face. he was breathing rather heavily and was locked in place by stain's arm that was wrapped tightly across his chest. behind him, of course, was stain who was panting rapidly after being stopped so abruptly. the tension in the air was so thick. no one said a word.

"let's g-go." bakugo sputtered, dragging denki and kirishima out behind him by their collars. he speedwalked straight to the exit, threw them both into the street and slammed the door behind him. iida's heart was beating like a bass drum. he felt himself losing consciousness. a dark cloud of shame washed over him. this wasn't supposed to happen.

stain caught his lover in his arms as he went limp and started to fall. he pulled iida into a close embrace. despite their rather violent nature when getting it on, most of their relationship consisted of intimate moments like these. these moments were his favourite. though he was unconscious, iida was still trembling violently, which worried stain greatly. 

"it's okay..." he whispered into iida's ear, who began to cry softly. guilt surrounded him like a plague. he needed to get out of here, quickly. he had betrayed his closest friends - the people who had once respected and trusted him the most. the anxiety within him rose quickly and flooded his brain. his heartbeat quickened and he began to hyperventilate. please, not infront of stain, he thought. his whole body and world shook and simultaneously crumbled upon him. he couldn't move or speak at all. all he could do was wait for it to be over.

during his childhood stain dealed with very bad anxiety. this anxiety was so bad that he would just spend days inside watching others live their lives. everyone saw him as a threat no matter what he did in order to seem approachable, just because of his quirk. as a young adult, he decided to change his life around and tried to becoming someone who could save the innocent from villains, so he became a vigilante. it wasn't until a good punch in the face (literally) that he realized that no one gave a fuck. in this superhuman world you are only praised if you have a good quirk. iida was the one who taught him what love actually was. iida taught him how to love himself when nobody else even tried. seeing someone who he cared for so much crumble down at once filled him with despair. he wrapped his arms tightly around him. iida didn't deserve to hurt when all he did was care.

"i'm sorry." iida whispered through sobs as he pushed the other away. he loved stain, but their relationship was too dangerous. pulling on a shirt and pants, he stood up to leave. 

"i love you." were the last words stain heard from iida as he left. tears quietly ran down his face as the front door closed once more. he was left alone, vulnerable and naked upon the floor of their office. he hated himself. he had known how dangerous it was to involve himself with iida. heroes and villains can never be in love. 


a/n - 1446 words - this is not glorification of anxiety. i've experienced it myself before - stain's backstory that i have implemented is partially true. he was a vigilante before he became a villain

blade tip - hero killer: stain x tenya iidaWhere stories live. Discover now