Author's Note

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Hello, you amazing human beings.

I'm June, this author of SKIN, and I want to say thank you for sticking around this freaking long with me, because hey- I have some grammar issues and plot holes and grammar issues.

But really, just- thank you. For sticking with this story, you don't even know how much I appreciate it, and how much I just..

I just want to thank you guys for letting me share this story with you, and letting me show you how these people grow and how they fall and cry and laugh and act. Thank you. Thank you a million times over, I would probably write a thousand thank yous if I could, but I can't.

I want to say thank you to indiviual people, but it's like all of you guys just supported me.

But on with me, the second book!

Teeth will be released in late December, and will, it's virtually about Schuyler and Lennox still, but it really digs into Schuyler and it really digs into Giles, and Schuyler's dads. WOAH. Schuyler's dads.

This author's note is awful, I'm sorry.


Lets talk about my characters, your favorites, because I want to listen to your feedback okay beautiful babies. Like, c'mon, just tell me everything you thought. Please.

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