Chapter Eleven: Because You're Mine

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I listened to Wincest playlists the entire time writing this...sorry.

Gaynger ahead. Gaynger ahead. u-u

Tessa and Ben make me happy.

Someone told me they loved my story, and then I clicked on their profile and it was like; "augh feminism is pointless! But equal rights for everyone! Love is love!"

....a 100% of my characters are all feminist. like, lenny over there- he's like a huge feminist. c'mon. (and it's not pointless idiot. Do you even know what feminism means??)

"Dad, I swear-" Schuyler is standing on the porch, stretching her arms out to the dark night sky, in one hand is a baseball bat she knows she won't use; in the jacket her father forced her to wear, two bottles of pepper spray unsealed and ready to burn the living crap out of any threat.

"I'm literally asking you to do such a small thing- it's not hard, babe," Spencer is rubs his temples, obviously taking part of the notion that it would be a long night. Beside him, his husband looks more than pissed, tapping his foot impatiently as he sits down on the old bench that's been there since they moved in twenty years ago.

Tessa yawns, eyes blinking as she zips the Target-bought adult onesie all the way up to her neck, "It's going to rain, Spencer! Can't we just go on this great adventure in the morning, with umbrellas- and possibly with our heads screwed on right," Tessa murmurs, rubbing her hands at her eyes to wake herself up.

It's twelve at night- absolutely no one, save for Spencer, wants to venture out in the forest.

"Two codewords I'm asking for- that's all, you can say 'Cheesecake' if you're alright, and you can say 'Danish' if you aren't, this could save your lives-" Spencer begins, nodding at his own genius plan before he's interrupted by his daughter.

"Except nothing is out there to kill us, unless you count that rabid raccoon from last summer and the old hounddog from next door that still comes around- Pops, this is crazy!" Schuyler almost whines at her father, lips pouting as she stares up at her old man- she was worried about Lennox, but he seemed to be known for his nocturnal behavior back at her college.

"He's an active guy, Spencer, he's probably just on a run," Tessa filled in, growing bored of standing on the porch and flipped her metal bat, beginning to get a hold of controlling the spinning bat until it swung and landed on the back of Schuyler's head.

"Oh, God woman- watch where you spin that weapon!" Schuyler growls, even though it doesn't hurt that much, it just barely scraped her scalp, odds are she'll be fine.

Tessa grins with a shrug. She watched her friend as she massaged into the imaginary lump on the back of her skull, "Sorry, but technically this is your dad's fault, wouldn't even be up if he wasn't forcing us to hunt your betrothed in-"

Schuyler rolls her eyes, ceasing her hand from rubbing the back of skull, "We aren't getting married-"

"Sorry, sorry- I mean your boyish-more-than-just-a-friend-friend," Tessa rolls her eyes but smiles at Schuyler. She grins in the most innocent way as Schuyler's face screws up in annoyance and a chuckle that Ben was trying to stuff back down his throat released into the cool night air.

Spencer shot a glare at the two teenagers, clearly ready for this man hunt to go forth and seize, "Tessa, you come with me," he patted a hand on the tall girl before turning to Schuyler, "Schuyler, you and Ben-"

Ben intercepted his husband, putting down the same book he had earlier and looked up and down at his possibly insane life partner. "Huh, no, I'm not going to get all sweaty for no reason."

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