House of Abandoned Memories

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Chapter 18

Angel was genuinely curious about what Alastor had meant by 'not exactly friends'. He presumed they were acquaintances or maybe even enemies. However, the more he thought about it... lovers would have made sense too.

Alastor had been leaning his arm against the window of the car, fingers tapping a silent tune lightly against the glass. He paused though when Angel suddenly spoke up, asking a question that Alastor had most definitely not been expecting, nor had prepared for.
Knowing that Angel wouldn't settle without an answer, Alastor simply went over what he'd told the spider once before. Because hey, at least it was something. Besides, he didn't see how his past with Lucifer had anything to do with what was happening right now.

"You are correct. We weren't exactly friends." The demon spoke curtly and quickly, not quite sure what Angel wanted to hear and why he wanted to hear it other than to pry. "And like I said before, it was a long time ago."

At the rather lackluster reply, Angel huffed, glancing back over at Alastor with a shake of his head.
"Hey hey hey, that answer ain't flyin' with me this time, buddy."
"If I'm gunna be helpin' ya I wanna know a few more details- including this. I told ya some of my past so I wanna know some of yours. It's only fair."
And oh was Angel not going to give up so easily. He figured this was a fair trade. It wasn't like he was going to go telling anyone anyways.

Alastor's eyes narrowed a little more, brows furrowing in the slightest as he heard Angels response. Of course he would say that.
He wasn't necessarily happy about this, but he supposed that Angel did have a point. An eye for an eye- information in exchange for more information.
"Alright, my dear, but just this once..."

Leaning away from the window, Alastor sat back a little more in the seat, tracing his wandering gaze across the now dark horizon, the scenery flying by.
"When I first manifested down in Hell, I possessed a raw power that had never been seen before by a mortal soul, as I'm sure you know." He began, starting with the basic information seen as Angel had been so unknowledgeable when they first met. 

Angel adjusted in his seat, ready to listen as he continued their drive. He made sure not to speak as Alastor explained his reasoning and past with Lucifer. He was a bit surprised at first, but the more Alastor explained the more it all made sense. The pieces seemed to fit with his personality seamlessly.

"Needless to say, from the moment that I challenged even some of the oldest overlords down there and broadcast a few of my victories, word of my presence began to spread like a dangerous wildfire."
Alastor spoke very highly of himself, for sure, but every word he spoke was true. He had an ego for a reason, of course.
"There was one. One demon who, for centuries had not been challenged. No one dared to. And as you can probably guess, that demon was the Devil himself. After learning of my sudden power in taking down overlords, it seemed that Lucifer was suddenly interested in me. He knew that I would not hold back and for that reason, he saw me as a threat."

And this was, Alastor supposed, where things got interesting.
"After making my acquaintance one day, seemingly by chance, we became close. Very close. Of course, at the time I had my own ulterior motives for doing so. Because, my dear, I am not an uncivilized man. If I do something, it is with reason! And those reasons were simple. I wanted to know more about the Devil himself. Things that not even his closest allies could tell me. His fears, hopes and thoughts... weaknesses."

Clearing his throat a moment, Alastor closed his eyes, remembering all of this well.
"From what I could see, it seemed as if Lucifer had the exact same plans regarding myself.
Threats to Satan directly didn't come about often. It was almost like a silent game between us, however no end goal or even rules were ever spoken of. We knew what we each wanted,  and we would both do whatever it took to grab and shoot for those goals.
After spending a great deal of time together, as you can imagine, after a while things between us became...intimate. They had to. One spills the worlds secrets while under an unknown false sense of security."

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