Secrets (Aesop x Naib) (platonic)

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Also I changed it a bit so it maybe different from what the request says. I only realised halfway through writing, apologies 😅😅

"—and so I told him I'd whack him with my coffin!" Aesop finished with tears of laughter in his eyes. Naib was laughing on the ground and couldn't get up, making Aesop laugh even harder and collapse on the floor as well. Eli walked past with his owl and he covered his already blindfolded eyes upon seeing two buffoons guffawing on the floor.

Aesop never really liked socialising when he came to the Oletus Manor a year ago. He hated it when he had to talk to people, especially when they were strangers or people he didn't really like. However, Naib Subedar had given him a different feeling. When he joined a game with Naib, the mercenary saw him decoding at a machine and walked straight past him. Aesop had looked at the mercenary curiously, and the glance was caught by Naib. Naib knew that Aesop decoded slower with people due to his anxiety, so he left Aesop to solo decode.

From that day onwards, he respected the mercenary for being so understanding and eventually opened up to him. Naib was a fun-loving person but knew when the situation was serious, and Aesop actually loved talking to someone for once. It had been years since he'd laughed so heartily and smiled so brightly, so it was a nice exchange for all those years spent in the silence. On Aesop's birthday Naib had given him some new brushes for his make-up kit, making the embalmer feel so happy that he had received something he could put to use immediately. Aesop wanted to repay Naib by getting him something special for his upcoming birthday, but had no idea what to get him.

      He would have to ask Naib when he got the chance!
||*Three weeks before Naib's birthday...*|||
       Aesop was confused. Naib seemed so distant theses days he couldn't even focus on a five-cipher kite, let alone a three-cipher kite which he could normally achieve easily. Even the hunters he played against were shocked at the mercenary's sudden change of performance in battle. Eli and Victor tried asking him why, but all he did was smile and shrug it off, saying he wasn't in the mood. This made Aesop suspicious—Naib only said that when he didn't want others to worry about him. So if that's the case...what is he trying to hide from them?

       "Hey Naib-" Aesop began and grabbed the mercenary gently by the arm. Almost immediately, as if out of reflex, Naib jerked his arm back before realising it was just Aesop and let out a sigh of relief. Now Aesop is really suspicious and worried. "Naib, what's wrong? You're acting really strange these days, please tell us what's wrong," Aesop tried to get him to say, but Naib refused and immediately excused himself, leaving the embalmer standing there alone. Aesop didn't want to give up but didn't pursue him any further, so he went to his room to rest for the day.

While Aesop was walking away, Naib felt extremely guilty for hiding things from his friend, but he couldn't let Aesop know! He hated it when people worried about him and it made him feel like a burden. But right now he couldn't get any peaceful sleep. All the nightmares of his old days were coming back again. He'd jumped up in his bed in the middle of the night covered in cold sweat for almost a whole week by now. Each time he woke up images of the victim's mangled body or whispers of their curses as they lay dying flashed in his mind.

"For god's sake Naib you're an adult now!" Naib whispered to himself as tears of anger threatened to spill. A door in the hallway creaked open and he hastily wiped away his tears, pretending something got in his eyes and was itching. He slipped into the closet and shit the door just as the forward rushed past. He stayed in there for a short while and fell asleep soon after.

       Aesop couldn't sleep at all that night. He kept tossing and turning, Naib's words rolling around his head like rocks and giving him a headache. He decided to go out for a short walk after checking his clock. It's still early, a short walk wouldn't hurt right?...He got up and walked into the quiet hallway, making his way down to the garden behind the manor. He passed by a hallway with a lot of closets and thought he heard squeaky noises from one of them, but didn't bother to check. His fingers rested on the doorknob of the garden and he stopped for a moment to adjust his loose shoe when he heard cries from the hallway. He dashed back in there and saw one of the huge closets quaking slightly. He yanked it open and was about to pull whoever was in there out and give them a good scolding when he recognised the person.
       The mercenary was flailing around, hands and feet flying everywhere, but his eyes were squeezed shut. Aesop gave him a sharp jab in the waist and his eyes flew open immediately. For once, Aesop actually noticed how bloodshot is eyes were and how tired he seemed. But he also saw something else, something that he once saw in himself. Fear. Aesop sat back on the ground and the mercenary held his face in his hands, as though he didn't want to see whoever that was in front of him. He got up and started to walk away, but Aesop denied him any escape and grabbed his arm.
"You have to tell me...Please Naib..."
       Naib gave in and let his arm hang limply before turning to face Aesop. He glanced around and made sure nobody was in the hallway before glancing at Aesop wearily. "Promise you won't tell anyone or laugh at me..." He said softly. Aesop had never seen the mercenary look so scared and tired, so he nodded and swore not to. Naib took a breath to calm his nerves and began his explanation. Aesop listened intently and was shocked at how much Naib actually had to say. Sure he was angry that his only friend would hide so many things, but Naib was really scared people would laugh at him.

When Naib finished, his eyes were starting to close, but he seemed fearful to go back to sleep, as if he knew the nightmares were right around the corner. Aesop knew if he continued going on like this it wouldn't be good for his health, so he insisted on staying with Naib for the night. He didn't mind having to wake up in the middle of the night, he just wanted his friend to be okay. Naib smiled wearily and flopped on his bed, sinking into sleep immediately, and Aesop followed a few minutes later.

||*Two weeks later...*||
       "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAIB!!" The screams of joy could be heard throughout the quiet manor as everyone gathered in the dining room to celebrate the mercenary's birthday. Aesop was sitting at the table quietly, avoiding the crowd when Naib came over and sat down next to him. Aesop raised an eyebrow at Naib, who looked like he had been squished to death by the crowd. Naib took one glance at the food and aggressively started shoving jelly in his mouth. The embalmer snorted with laughter, causing a few people to look at him before both him and Naib burst into fits of cackles and laughter. They spent the whole day having fun before saying good night to each other for the night, Aesop leaving quite tired because he spent so much energy running around, but happy knowing that Naib no longer worries about nightmares.

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