chapter 1

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This makes me want to cry but I physically can't


(third person view) Rin and Yukio are 13

"Ok Rin, Yukio I have to go now. I'll be back in three years" the tall man said as he looked down at his two sons. "Alright bye dad" the mole faced boy replied with a small smile "yeah, yeah whatever" the blue-net replied and looked away he had his hands in his pockets.  "Haha alright kiddo" Shiro said as he ruffled his hair. "Bye dad" Yukio said a he hugged his father. The old man hugged back. "I'll see you in a few years, take care the boys for me" the church helpers nodded and hummed in response "remember I've got the phone in case of emergencies. I won't be able to talk much"
"Of course" one of the churchman replied to his statement. Shiro picked up his bags and left closing the doors behind him.

Little did he know when he got back things would never be the same. Would they be better? No they would be worse. Much worse.

9 months later

(Rin pov)

I was getting dressed I had my boxers and trousers I was about to put my t-shirt on that's when noticed there were black lines winding from the middle near the top of my chest. They were winding around going all different directions, they looked like the black was coating or inside my veins. 'I hadn't seen it yesterday so it must have appeared over night' I thought as I brought my hand to it. I touched it and "GAH!" I let out a sound of pain and clutched my chest and bent my knees. I heard running nearing mine and Yukio's room. "RIN! are you ok?!" Izumi asked quickly "I turned around slowly feeling my eyes wanting to water from the pain, I let me hands move away from the black winding veins. They were as black as anything could be. "W-what is this?" I asked in slight pain, recovering from the pain before. Izumi's eyes widened and he walked towards me, his eyes changing back to normal size he bent down to my level which was short considering I'm very small for my age. "hmmm..." he looked at it for a few moments then asked "Does hurt?" I shook my head  and hummed "Only if you touch it but it does have a weird feeling" I replied "Come down we'll go see if the others know what it is" he said standing up and laying out his hand to me, I was hesitant to take it at first but complied to his request. 

When we got to down stairs we went to dining room where everyone was "Does anyone know what this is?" Izumi asked pointing at the lines on my chest. I looked up at Izumi then everyone else, they got up and came over to me and took an inspection of it. "Does it hurt?" he asked i shook my head "It hurts if you touch it but it does have a weird feeling to it" Everyone inspecting the black lined veins on my chest hummed and nodded. "I-is Nii~san ok?" A quiet worried voice broke the silence of the inspection I leaned to the side to see Yukio everyone turned to  him, they were about to answer. "HA! Of course I'm fine! No black lines can put me down!" I replied with putting my thumb at him. "O-Ok" Yukio replied a little more confidently from my words.

Oh how wrong I was...

(Izumi pov)

We weren't sure what it was so we made an emergency appointment at the doctors. That's where we are now, at the doctors waiting to be called. Rin was sitting beside me with Yukio, Yukio wanted to come since he was worried for Rin. He's always been so caring and worried, especially for Rin. Rin was swinging his feet across the floor the tips of his toes only just touching. Yukio was looking around with curiosity. "Rin Okumura" I heard a doctor call, he had short sandy brown hair and dark blue eyes. "C'mon, lets go" I said, standing up and looking at Rn and Yukio. "ok" Rin said Yukio just nodded. We followed the doctor down the corridor of doors that led to doctor rooms. We entered a room that said Dr. Tubel. 

(Third person pov)

"So what seems to be the problem?" the man with black hair asked. "Rin here has some black lines on his chest, I'm not quite sure what they are" Izumi replied back he hummed and looked at Rin and Yukio. "Which was is Rin?" he asked looking between the boys. "Me" Rin spoke as he put his fist up to shoulder height with his index finger point up. "Can you take your shirt of for me please" he asked as he stood up and picked up a  stethoscope and walked over to Rin who put his t-shirt on the chair he was sitting on. Izumu who stood behind the only two chairs picked up Rin's t-shirt and put it the right side out. 

(Rin pov)

The doctor put the stethoscope on where my heart was to be which was away from the winding lines, they hadn't reached that far yet. It gave me fright as the stethoscope was cold. "Breathe in" he said and I did so "Breathe out" I let the air out and we did this two more times. he put his stethoscope on his desk and went back over to me and inspected the pure black winding lines. He put his finger up to touch it but took it back instantly when I let out a scream of pain. "Nii~san!" worry coated Yukio's voice, he rushed over to me as I clutched my chest and bent my knees a little. Izumi came over and picked me up and set me on my chair. "Rin are you ok?" He asked me. I took a minute to respond. "I'm... I'm fine" I had to take a few breaths before finishing my reply. Yukio looked at me worriedly. He was a little taller than me, so me sitting down just made me smaller to him. "I'll give you prescription, just take the pills for two weeks and if it doesn't go away come back and see me" Izumi nodded and I got up and put my shirt back on.

We left the doctors after we got my antibiotics and started taking them for the next two weeks.


This took me 4 days to write
1106 words

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