Chapter 2

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Ok so this chapter is just going to have a few time skips so everything adds up


(Rin pov)

It had been five weeks since we went to the doctors, so just over a month. We went back to the doctors after the pills weren't working. They gave me another set but they weren't working either. I haven't been back to the doctors since. Naoya Said that he has someone coming over and they should be able to help. Things have also gotten worse for me. the infection or whatever it is has spread it not all over my chest and now leading down to my stomach, it has also has spread to my back. I sometimes have coughing fits and throw up a lot. I haven't gone to school for the last three weeks. That's when I started having coughing fits and throwing up, three weeks ago. 

(I just installed Grammarly and it's working miracles!)

The next day

(Mephisto pov) 

I was waiting in the church for Izumi to come back with Rin. Izumi had called me up saying that something was wrong with Rin and that the medicine the doctors had given him wasn't working and they're worried it's to do with his demon side. I came along knowing that Shiro was out on a three-year mission and that is bad considering his son may be very sick. I have an idea of what it might be but in all honesty, I'm hoping it's not what I think it is. 

Izumi comes back with a sleepy Rin. 'It's only two pm he shouldn't be tired...' I thought, that only added onto the number of things adding up to my suspicions. "Hi Rin I'm someone very close to Shiro and I'm going to try and help you ok?" I said, there was a mix of a question in there too. "Ok..." Rin responded quietly and nodded slightly. 'That's something I noticed, Shiro always said Rin was a big ball of energy and sunshine but yet here he is being quiet and sleepy. Hardly an ounce of energy to be seen in the small boy. That was one thing that stayed the same he's still small for his age.' I mentally laughed at the thought. I gave a smile to Rin and told him to take his t-shirt off. He dumped the dark blue t-shirt on the floor and looked back at me with tired eyes. "You tired?" I asked, He hummed as an indication of yes and he nodded along with his hum. "Well, this won't take too long ok" "Ok..." I looked at his eyes one last time and that's when I saw it, the sadness. The sadness in his eyes. The only two things left in his eyes, sadness and tiredness and little pain there too. I could tell he wanted his energy back. he wanted to be able to run around with boundless energy again, he wanted to be able to protect Yukio with his extreme strength that he is losing daily. First, it's tiredness next it's strength eventually it'll be feeling. He won't be able to feel his body. He'll be numb. I'm hoping what is happening to him isn't happening to him because if it is all that will happen and things will only keep going downhill from here.

Mephisto looked at Rin's chest and see that the black lines are spreading, well it's safe to say it's more of a virus. It's like an infection but not at the same time. "Turn around for me" Mephisto says in an inspection voice. Rin does so not having enough energy to question or disobey his order. 'I see the infection spread from his chest to his back and still ongoing and not stopping. Eventually, this will spread more and more' Mephisto thinks and puts his gloved hand forward with his  index finger sticking out to touch it "Wait, no!" Izumi says rather quickly and sadly. Mephisto touched the black lined veins on his back, Rin screamed in pain it was louder and harsher than he had expected. "It seems things are worse than I thought" Mephisto says to no-one in particular. I stand up and look at Izumi who is holding Rin in his arms as Rin tried not to cry at the pain.

"What do you mean it's worse than you thought?" Izumi asked, looking at Mephisto still holding Rin as the boy shivered in pain. "Well, it seems his very own sealed demon heart is killing him" Mephisto said With his trademark smirk and tormenting voice. Izumi angered at the smirk and tone of voice "How can you act like this when your brother is dying!" He shouted at the chairman, not too loud though. This brought Rin out his daze in pain. "B-Brother?" he said stuttering. his tone was emotionless but yet he sounded as if he could burst into tears at any moment. "Oh no... Rin you shouldn't have heard that" Rin looked up at the man he was being held onto by. "I thought... Yukio..." Izumi had sorrow and sadness in his eyes as he had just realized what he had done, he had gone against his boss, Shiro Fujimoto's orders of telling the older twin the truth. "I know, Yout thought Yukio was your only brother and he technically is" Rin continued to stare at the man then slowly turned to the purple-haired headmaster. "Demon heart?" Rin asked slightly tilting his head in question still with a dull tone but with a little more emotion now. "This was never meant to happen and you know that Sir Pheles" Izumi said with gritted teeth. "You had this planned the entire time" Izumi spoke with gritted teeth again trying harder to contain his rage at the chairman. "I did no such thing" Mephisto replied back with his grin and teasing tone. Truth be told he hadn't planned for it to go like this but he knew he or one of the churchmen would have to tell Rin eventually about it as he was pretty sure about what was wrong with the older twin. 

"yes, you see you're the son of a demon, not just any demon though..." Mephisto said with a smirk and there was a small amount of torment in his voice knowing this would most likely destroy Rin's mental state for the moment or close to that. "You are the son of Satan, along with your eight older brothers. I happen to be one of them" Mephisto said as he saw the boys' eyes widened. "YOU'RE LYING! I'M NOT A DEMON!" Rin screamed back furiously. Izumi was shocked to see such energy from the boy considering he had been energyless for the last few weeks. 

(Yukio pov)

Nii~san had to go downstairs to see someone who could help with his illness. I heard shouting and decided to go and investigate. I saw Mephisto Pheles downstairs I kept going down trying to be quiet. once I reacher the ground floor I sneaked over to the chairs in the church room. "You are the son of Satan, along with eight of your older brothers. I happen to be one of them" I heard Mephisto say. 'Why would he say that he knows we are not to tell Nii~san' was my instant thought to the words that came from the headmaster's mouth. "YOU'RE LYING! I'M NOT A DEMON!" Rin yelled back, it was surprising at the fact that he had that much energy as all he wanted to do was sleep and not do anything. "Rin calm down" Izumi said trying to calm down Rin and motioning his hands to his words. "NO, I WON'T CALM DOWN YOU ALL THINK I'M A DEMON!!!" Rin shouted angrier was beginning to get worried as he might hurt himself or someone else if he doesn't calm down. "Rin please," Maruta said coming in and trying with Izumi to calm down Rin. "NO! I SAID NO! I'M NOT A DEMON!" "Nobody here thinks you are one Rin" Maruto pushed back with his words. 

that's when I finally thought it was best if I intervened or he might hurt someone and dad wasn't here to help with Rin's anger. He was about hit Izumi out of rage, I ran up to him and hugged from the side. "Rin please calm down" I say sadly and worriedly. I had a feeling he would as he would never hurt me. "Y-Yukio?" He asks still angry but calmer. "Rin it's true father told me, we both know he wouldn't lie" I say, still hugging my little brother. Rin freezes at the news. "He... He lied to me?" Rin asks in a shocked and scary voice but yet it also sounded calm. "What?" I asked wondering what he meant. "He told me I was... I was human" Rin said still frozen in place. I understood what he meant now 'I told him the old man doesn't lie and now I realize he did he lied to Nii~san his whole life' I thought before I spoke again. "It was to protect you Nii~san. We didn't want you involved with demons so we kept it from you. He told me because I kept seeing the demons and was scared and plus I wanted to protect you" I say hugging Rin tighter. 

(Rin pov)

I take a few minutes of just starring and standing still thinking about what Yukio said. Eventually, I come back to my senses and realize what  Yukio said was right. My dad would never lie to me and I know Yukio would never lie to me like my dad if they didn't have a good reason to. 

Time Skip

(Third person view)

Everyone was sitting at the table. Rin had been told everything but now it was time to discuss his 'illness'. "So it seems the fact that Rin had been separated from his demon heart was slowly killing him but has only started to show it's self now" Mephisto said looking at everyone especially Rin. "How is that possible?" One of the churchmen asked "Well when a demon's heart is destroyed it kills them instantly but in Rin's case, being separated was slowly killing him but now that it's showing I'm afraid it's only gotten faster" Mephisto said with a sympathetic voice. "Isn't there a way to slow or stop it?" Izumi asked. Mephisto hummed and shook his head while closing his head then opening again to answer Izumi's question. "I don't know much about this but I did some research before I came here this has never happened before. To answer your question if he opens the sword it slows down but he will only be in pain longer if he breaks the sword it goes faster and he has a chance of being consumed by his demon heart and becoming a mindless demon" Mephisto spoke looking at everyone and seeing Yukio's sad face and hugging close to Rin who was in shock and sadness. "S-So I'm... going to die?" He asked slowly with each word. 

"Most likely"


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